It's a relief, isn't it.
As I said, I'm 99% certain it wasn't me. I managed to break the 'near-field' connector on my other half's phone when fitting a new battery - tiny little metal springy thing about a millimetre all round. She has never missed it but ever since then I've been absolutely paranoid about messing around near little metal springy bits and fit CPUs etc with enormous care. Even so, when I looked at the socket there was that nagging doubt in my mind. ZIF sockets are so much easier and I've never bent a CPU pin. I can see the reasoning: mobo with an average cost of say £75 vs CPU with an average cost of £250, so put the pins on the mobo (also 'not my problem' for Intel).
Scan are being slow over my CPU cooler refund. I assume they're relying on insurance to cover costs so have to wait to get it back. When I've returned stuff to the evil-empire of Amazon, I've had the ping of a text notifying my refund seconds after the pick-up point has scanned my returns parcel.never trust a man in a blue trench coat, never drive a car when you're dead |