OK - now that I've got my little music PC working (and a heatsink on the M.2 drive mmmm, toasty!) I'm turning to step 2, which is refurbishing my Cyrus amp. One nice surprise was when I looked for the serial number to book it in with the service feller I discovered it's a Cyrus Two and not the One I thought it was. I'm not (totally) daft; they're identical to look at apart from an additional input at the back of the Two. Anyway, that's beside the point. The case work is part pressed, part cast aluminium and over the years it's picked up a few little peels and chips to the paintwork. The top shroud detaches and could be resprayed, but as the paint chips are tiny (pin head size), the finish is very slightly stippled anyway, and my spraying skills are not great, I probably won't. The mid section is attached to the massive cast base and spraying isn't really practical because of the stencilled control indications, logos etc.
My thought is to attack the damage with an enamel paint such as Humbrol with a suitable silk finish and a skinny modeling brush, using a polishing compound like T-cut if necessary. I think the stippled top shroud will be forgiving enough to be straightforward, but the smooth metal mid section is more of a problem.
Has anybody here done anything like this? Any tips or pointers?
never trust a man in a blue trench coat, never drive a car when you're dead |