Games (inc Online)FC4: what else?


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 To:  Manthorp     
42299.24 In reply to 42299.23 
I took some pistol shots at a Yeti from a snowmobile and miscalculated his speed before starting my escape. BAM!
“Hacker Spoke To Baby and Hurled Obscenities At Couple Using Nest Camera”
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Hooray! Last night at 2 am I remembered where I got the honey badger skins for the last weapons holster upgrade: on the 'mountaineering' mission. Just before I slid down the hill into the waiting arms of a yeti (I managed to kill that one by climbing up on a big boulder, tossing nades at him while dodging thrown rocks, and finished him off with the LMG). I'LL BE BAAAACK.

Edit: Got me some cheat maps (weapons, skins) off steam forums loaded on my tablet.  (angel)
“Hacker Spoke To Baby and Hurled Obscenities At Couple Using Nest Camera”
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... which I used to good effect in my best Yeti session thus far, picked up the last weapon slot (for 4), crossbow, grenade launcher, spas-12 and stumbled into two assassination missions apparently initiated by random firefights. There are a number of enemy bases scattered around that don't appear on the map.

Also saw more Yetis, but observed them from a safe distance. I must say the Yetis disappoint me, as they aren't particularly fearsome or difficult to dispatch, no more so than say rhinos. They look like big-ass, nearly hairless apes that amble around aimlessly until they spot or are attacked by humans or predators, then they go ape-shit.

I think they could have been handled with more imagination -- perhaps too much to ask in DLC -- like appearing only at night, not so ludicrously huge, hairy AF and even crazier and more dangerous, should be able to bound up mountains, etc. etc.

A better title would be "Valley of the Overly Zealous Yeti Worshipping Nut-jobs, and Yeti Action Figures"
“Hacker Spoke To Baby and Hurled Obscenities At Couple Using Nest Camera”
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 From:  Manthorp  
42299.27 In reply to 42299.26 
Without wishing to get too spoilerish, you have more Yeti lore and action to plumb yet.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951
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 To:  Manthorp     
42299.28 In reply to 42299.27 
True, I've barely begun the missions.
“Hacker Spoke To Baby and Hurled Obscenities At Couple Using Nest Camera”
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 To:  Manthorp     
42299.29 In reply to 42299.27 
I did the 'rescue the pilot not' mission last night with cave yeti-dodging, so that was kind of fun but not especially difficult. Put the weapons-collecting on a back burner while I beef up the base defenses with mine fields, barrel bombs and whatnot. Driving the hijacked trucks back to base is a breeze (enemy attempts at interference are rather anaemic, main difficulty is not sliding off the road), liberating them not so much, with some fairly tough CQB.
“The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot”
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 From:  Manthorp  
42299.30 In reply to 42299.29 
How have you been with the nightly wave attacks?

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951
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 To:  Manthorp     
42299.31 In reply to 42299.30 
Yeah, I beat the first two easily, third (with the Yeti) is a lot harder even with all the bought defences as the waves are coming from all directions. So I'll have another go tonight.
“The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot”
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Been some odd FC4 updating going on, first one a week ago was a few hundred meg, then another a few days ago for 5G. When I checked the ubisoft forums for update announcements, there haven't been any since Dec. 2014. I played on with the Yetis in ubi offline mode through the weekend, then dl the patch last night, after which the game now works in ubi online mode as before, with no apparent changes to how the game works. Mystifying...
“The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot”
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OK, I done me the third night by the skin of my teef. Immediately went out and got the buzzsaw and the bull. Motherfuckers. Essayed the AMR but couldn't spot which peak to land on.
“The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot”
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Got the AMR on my fourth try, kept undershooting the peak it was on. Rescued the bomb dude, got all lost in cave complex, survived my fourth night thanks largely to the buzzsaw, then did the FUCKING AWESOME blow up the elixir at the sky ranch thingy mission. The fact I had to slog home in a blizzard helped bring home the realism. Protip: the SA-50 is great for hip-firing heavies in CQB. Next fun trick will be hunting yetis with the AMR.
“The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot”
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Which was actually kind of boring. One-shot yeti kills. Meh. Plus you're usually too far away to get the 100K-ruppee heart (apparently yeti skins are worthless), before the corpse goes up in smoke. On a related note, the AMR is useless for hijacking royal delivery trucks. Oh it stops 'em all right, then they fucking explode.
“Team Group T-Force Delta TUF Gaming RGB 3200”
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Finished the 5th night and last mission, they were tough but I cheated and did a youtube preview of what to bring and what to expect.

So then I got the actual buzzsaw and cannon unlocked, and went out and killed a yeti with the cannon handgun! (it did take about 20 rounds, but still).
“Team Group T-Force Delta TUF Gaming RGB 3200”
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More fun Yeti DLC facts:

Yetis can't be one-shot killed with RPGs*, they can't even be 3-shot killed (they can be killed with multiple RPG/GL shots). Only one weapon is really useful against Yetis in all scenarios including CQB -- the AMR. They can be killed with 3 head shots from the SA50, but you won't want to chance it at close range, because Yetis move real quick.

*it occurs to me I didn't try the guided LK1018 launcher. Because seriously, the AMR trumps all GLs.

The buzzsaw is nice to have, but in most situations, not much better than any of the other LMGs. At mid-long range, an A52 assault rifle is much more accurate and deadly.

Unlike FC3, you can't trigger your own proximity mines, either in the auto-populated "mine-fields", or the tossers (I haven't tried this outside the DLC). You can get hurt by one of your mines triggered nearby by an enemy.

Well wowee, I'm slayin' 'em with 2 arrows tonight (arrows & bolts mod).
“Team Group T-Force Delta TUF Gaming RGB 3200”
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