SoftwareXubuntu no, xfce yes


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So yesterday I got reacquainted with how Xubuntu is all kinds of fubar. I did a clean 18.04.1 server install then xfce + lightdm. Lightdm started ok, but the the xfce de did not get initialized (stuck on the login screen). So I installed xubuntu-desktop on top. That worked...fugly.

After faffing around with xubuntu for a half hour trying to beat it into something recognizable and functional, I nuked it with a restored raw install .fsa (filesystemarchiver) + xfce + slim.

Slim's a fugly dm, but it launched the bog-standard xfce desktop no probs.
“if people in poverty are more susceptible to doing drugs then giving more money to them will give more money to drug dealers who buy guns.”
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