TechnicalRootin' tootin' Android


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 From:  graphitone   
 To:  koswix     ANT_THOMAS     
42067.6 In reply to 42067.5 
Thanks chaps.

I found the apk from that link a little earlier and have downloaded it, allowed installs from unknown locations and everything was looking positive - then I get a 'do you want to install this app'... and the install button does bog all. It doesn't seem clickable (or tapable). :C

So, is that symptomatic of the app not being able to be installed 'cos of reasons known only to Lego and what all sidelined apps do if they can't be installed, or is my tablet having a fit?

Edit - scrap that, I had a night mode filter in place that was stopping me clicking the install button. (fail)

It's installed, and the app opens up, then promptly closes itself down. Hmm, back to Lego support to see what they suggest.

Thanks for the help though everyone. :)

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 From:  graphitone   
42067.7 In reply to 42067.2 
I will try that, but first I've got to get another Pi3. My current one is far too well installed in a case, behind a screen and has all the cables nicely tided away to pull all that apart for some testing. :J
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  graphitone      
42067.8 In reply to 42067.6 
Hmm. Just downloaded it and installed it on my phone. It installed fine. Started, complained about the screen size, but I could say OK, then a splash screen came up, then it crashed/quit/closed
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 From:  graphitone   
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
42067.9 In reply to 42067.8 
Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm getting!
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