Personally, I think Craig and Dalton play a very similar Bond. Dalton took it to the level of 'serious' after Roger Moore's Bond turned into Carry On Spy. In retrospect, Dalton was a fave of mine, although I grew up (and enjoyed) Moore.
I've decided that I want the following funeral/death procedure....
1. Body donated to medical research
2. Organs donated (will depend on the above and how I die)
3. Having a Sky Burial for the leftovers.
3b. If a Sky Burial isn't possible I want feeding to some lions, polar bears or similar.
I've always quite fancied one of those forensic research places where they stab and shoot your corpse a few times and half bury it in bushes, or prop it up in a dummy kitchen etc. Somewhat grim for the mourners though, I suppose.
never trust a man in a blue trench coat, never drive a car when you're dead