I also got married a couple of years back, which was fun! Just bought a house too up here in Scotland, we're supposed to get the keys on 11th May, so some busy weeks coming up. Got the man-cave allocated already, which is the main part.
Yep, being a teenager at college whilst part of the original PCFF seems like such a long time ago...
WTF is a proactive dragon? Maybe he's printed a model of each of us and sits there talking to them instead, possibly running some AI on a Pi so they can talk back.
Never really done much Facebooking myself. Gosh, my phone recognised that as a word. Oohh, and red underlining in the text box in Chrome on my mobile, that's new.
I joined in the era of PCFF and the '1st to 1,000,000' thread.
Re-re-found pics from old meets the other day and now I have a scanner I intend to scan them soon for everyone to see.
The mere act of handing over a smelly babbit is revenge enough. I can't wait - and it won't be that long - until I can demand that my own nappy be changed.
"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked." James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951