(ant's old (old old) bathroom light used to knock out his Internet when it was switched. We cling on to the past round here, it keeps us from noticing how devoid of exciting newness our lives are)
It was plugged into the motherboard and "on" when I tested. So I'd hope that would be enough load.
I've found somewhere fairly local that sells the same motherboard, it's difficult to find boards with 6 sata sockets these days. Really don't want to have to buy all 3 parts just to check which is dead :((
Dead drive. It's been running for weeks (maybe longer) from memory. I'm been able to vnc to it, use the console for ssh and open a file in geany. Anything else it was throwing "file system read only" errors. When I tried to reboot today, bios shows nada for hdd. It's MrsD.'s old refurb HP SFF desktop (with original, 20GB drive) that she had for a few years and I set it up as a server about 4-years ago.
“Hillary received more votes for president than any white male in U.S. history. Including Donald Trump.
Another try this morning before I was going to take it all back to the place I bought the parts and it's working again. I certainly don't trust that PSU so I'll be buying a new one.
April 2015. So not too long ago, but well outside a 12 month window if that's what guarantee I have. The PSU has a 3 year warranty though, but how I go about proving an intermittent fault, I don't know. For around £40 I don't think it's worth the hassle of trying to claim.
Bummer. I started shopping for a replacement drive and noticed I can get a 128G solid state for about the same as a 500G spinner (which capacity might be nice to have, but I sort of don't really need atm).
“Nerd Watch": an organization dedicated to preventing world domination by nerds
The drive is definitely dead. I stuck a usb adaptor on it. First try I could hear it spinning up, but it was not recognized by my main pc. Then it just stopped spinning. I remembered why I'd only been using the server as an ssh and scanner slave over vnc: it's an HP dx5150, and not the dc5750 as I'd hoped (MrsD's replacement model). SATA1, DDR1... not really worth any upgrades. I can get a 160GB pull drive for $16. That's about what it's worth. Ho hum. I do have an athlon x2 that I might stick in it to replace the 3200 x1. No harm in that I guess, if it posts.
“Nerd Watch": an organization dedicated to preventing world domination by nerds