TechnicalWindows 10 password recovery


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)     
41813.4 In reply to 41813.2 
Why bother getting physical when you can just go direct to Microsoft's servers?

> ONE OF THE EXCELLENT FEATURES of new Windows devices is that disk encryption
> is built-in and turned on by default, protecting your data in case your device is lost
> or stolen. But what is less well-known is that, if you are like most users and login to
> Windows 10 using your Microsoft account, your computer automatically uploaded a
> copy of your recovery key to Microsoft’s servers
, probably without your knowledge
> and without an option to opt out.


Of course, what's not so excellent a feature is what this means for recovering data from an encrypted disk that a user may have had no need to be encrypted.

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 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
41813.5 In reply to 41813.3 
If all you want to do is recover unencrypted data then yeah, boot from a linux dvd/usb. In this case I needed to recover the user's account access by resetting his password.
Apple patents bold new innovation: a paper bag.
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 From:  honvezel  
41813.6 In reply to 41813.5 
Can't boot from USB after making a bootable disk. what is the problem?

APPROVED: 27 Jan 2017 06:27 by MATT

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