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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
41717.3 In reply to 41717.2 
Thanks, that looks interesting.

The main downside (from a quick look) is that it appears to be extendible via plugins rather than having an API. Hrm, and not sure about quality of the documentation. :/ Still I'll take another look tomorrow...

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Forgot about this one:
"Force Trump to spend as much as five minutes with one of his own supporters." - Secret Republican blueprint for stopping Donald Trump
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
41717.5 In reply to 41717.3 
I second ownCloud!  I've been using it for a year or more and I'm pretty sure there are API's you can use.
"If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it."
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
41717.6 In reply to 41717.3 
PB I set Resource Space up on my server to check it out.  If you'd like I can make an account for you and you can funk around with it to see if it will do what you're looking for.  I'm not real thrilled with it, it reminds me of an image gallery for Word Press or something but it might be just what you're looking for!  Let me know!
"If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it."
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 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
41717.7 In reply to 41717.6 
I thought it was pretty clunky.
"Force Trump to spend as much as five minutes with one of his own supporters." - Secret Republican blueprint for stopping Donald Trump
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
41717.8 In reply to 41717.6 
Hrm, if it reminds you of a Wordpress gallery then I guess don't worry about it.

Thanks for the offer though. :)

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