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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  fixrman     
41641.183 In reply to 41641.182 
Nothing wrong with being judgemental so long as it's honest and self-aware.

>Name one thing I have said to be called a bigot.

You've espoused quite a few positions on things without backing them up. When challenged. you wave your hands and talk a lot without really clearing anything up.

In fact, when challenged to back something up regarding healthcare recently you said something like "I have a problem with the statistics" and then mumbled on with some anecdotal nonsense. Of course stats can be manipulated but when you're routinely disagreeing with generally accepted fact without providing a convincing rationale for that disagreement then you should probably at least consider a re-evaluation.

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 From:  fixrman  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
41641.184 In reply to 41641.183 
You've espoused quite a few positions on things without backing them up.

Uhhh. that is not bigotry, mate. Just because I do not agree with opinions of others here, does not make me a bigot. Actually, that would make many members of Teh bigots; many of you have rejected out of hand any opinion different than your own, regarding your positions as being superior or correct. To whit:

noun, plural bigotries.
stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.

If you are referring to a comment I made about immigration, I have no problem with people of any ethnicity coming here, as long as they can support themselves. The problem I have is with people who come here to freeload. They don't work and expect the rest of us to provide for them. That's not the way it should be.

If I don't qualify for GSM to emigrate to Australia, does that make Australia a country of bigots, or are they just protecting themselves from freeloaders? We have plenty of freeloaders here already, and I don't care what colour they are or belief set they have - if they refuse to work because they are lazy and want to suck the government teat - I have a problem with that.

As far as obamacare goes, one would have to be living in a vacuum to not know that it is not working. I said I would leave it for you to decipher the data, frankly because there are so many angles it boggles the mind. Also, if I had provided links and evidence, the attack would have been the source or the content's being wrong. That's what you lot often do. As a matter of fact, I provided links in a recent post that were ignored totally.

Nothing wrong with being judgemental so long as it's honest and self-aware.

I'd like to see your face on that one. Being judgemental is not a complimentary personality trait in most circles. But it is something widely accepted here at Teh, particularly if the poster happens to be American. Or, as you lot like to refer to us as, 'Merkins. Incidentally, I am generally thought to be honest. sometimes brutally so. I am also generally thought by my peers to be self-aware. Sorry I can't provide links to prove that, but I suspect that by your post you self-consider yourself to be self-aware.

When challenged. you wave your hands and talk a lot without really clearing anything up. Of course stats can be manipulated but when you're routinely disagreeing with generally accepted fact without providing a convincing rationale for that disagreement then you should probably at least consider a re-evaluation.

Hand waving? Right. Talking a lot a not clearing anything up means not changing my opinion and agreeing with you. So what is the "generally accepted "fact"? By the by, just because many people believe a thing does not make it true. Such as, the world being flat, or Teh Forum members always thinking that only they are right. That is my perception of how things are.

They name streets after people like that: One-way. Perhaps that is why your site isn't *"busy"? The Hive mentality can make it a challenge for folks to stick around when they don't assimilate.  ;) How is that for honesty?

* In all fairness to Teh, I am not aware of any Beehive site that is busy.

  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  milko  
 To:  fixrman     
41641.185 In reply to 41641.184 
Australia's pretty awful on the whole racist bigot thing actually. Not the best example! Their "processing centres" for refugees/illegal immigrants have been likened to concentration camps recently.
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 To:  fixrman     
41641.186 In reply to 41641.184 
You have this thing about "freeloaders". Call it an unhealthy obsession. Why the hate? What exactly have "freeloaders" done to you? Is your life that miserable? Are you a failure?
Roland Skollani was sick of Pittsburgh. This city was the dead-end of his failed dreams and even dope didn’t help his choking fits no more. It had been a mistake to leave Hollywood and to follow Rita. Maybe it was a twist of fate, that there were only a few days left to leave his ex-wife’s house. Now he MUST act. Rita had a new lover and he didn’t mind, but why of all people did she choose this greedy, corrupt cop Lennon?
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  fixrman     
41641.187 In reply to 41641.184 
> The Hive mentality can make it a challenge for folks to stick around when they don't assimilate

You're still here. You must enjoy being mentally challenged.


> Being judgemental is not a complimentary personality trait in most circles.

There's a difference between being discerning and being a snob.

Of course it's also possible to be both, and there is plenty of condescension towards the skin sacks that share your national vicinity from the fleshy farts that fill the landmass I reside within - and this forum isn't much different from offliners in that respect (except perhaps that there's a slightly higher concentration of good judgemental here), and ... well Americans probably do get it worst, particularly recently, but they also share the abuse with French and Germans and others. Still, as Swedish dairyman says, at least the bloody British are not as bad as the Kangaroo-fucking Kiwis.

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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  fixrman     
41641.188 In reply to 41641.184 
>stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.

Yes. Exactly.

It's not that you have firmly held beliefs - we all, as you say, have those. It's that you refuse to reassess them in the face of overwhelming evidence. And even irrationally reject the evidence itself.

I can't be arsed reading the rest of your post as I'm sure it's the same old circular bullshit as always.

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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  fixrman     
41641.189 In reply to 41641.184 
The Hive mentality can make it a challenge for folks to stick around when they don't assimilate.

I'm not sure I've ever assimilated into the hive mind as you put it and I've been here about 7 years. I've never been to a meat, but feel I know most of the people here well enough to count them as friends people I frequently talk to on the internet.

I do live in Yorkshire though, so maybe I'm foreign enough to be excluded. :J

However, though I don't post a huge amount here, I do read the threads every day, so something keeps pulling me back, and it's not just PB's profile picture.

I think it's the honest, easy going nature of people here. Also, it's a great place to throw a question out and get an answer back without the barrage of trolling that happens elsewhere. Plus, people are helpful. Mostly. Well Milko once showed me a picture of his bike. I was disappointed it didn't have spokey dokes.

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 From:  fixrman  
 To:  graphitone     
41641.190 In reply to 41641.189 
Part of the problem in discussing politics is that we are in different situations. You lot live in yours, I live in mine - and we both think it works. What I don't understand is why folks there are so concerned with and criticise the U.S. so much; we don't do it here over the U.K. and her politics.
Also, it's a great place to throw a question out and get an answer back without the barrage of trolling that happens elsewhere.

I've found it a bit different in the political realm, but perhaps given the membership that is to be expected. We are coming at things from different mindsets.

Plus, people are helpful.

That is true enough. Technically, there are many here who are extremely well-versed with things electronica, etc.

Well Milko once showed me a picture of his bike.

His bike, eh? Is that what you're calling it? Lucky dog, then. ;-P


  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  fixrman  
41641.191 In reply to 41641.186 
Why the hate?

Hate? Pretty strong assumption on your part.


Is your life that miserable? Are you a failure?

What does a disrespect for freeloaders have to do with either of that? Were I a failure, I'd be right in with the freeloaders, I'd expect. But I think one's view of success or not has to do with what they view as being important, and what they had set out to do. Freeloaders choose to do nothing, and I have certainly never done nothing. That means I and many other Americans have to pay for them.

No, I was always taught that whatever one does, one always gives it their all, the best they have. I find it hard to believe that one's best is nothing, sans illness or infirmity; in either of those situations, that is totally different.

Failure? I hardly think so. Maybe you'd think so, but yours would be as unusual definition.

  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  fixrman  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
41641.192 In reply to 41641.187 
Thanks for proving my point.  ;)
  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  milko  
 To:  fixrman     
41641.193 In reply to 41641.190 
The USA doesn't have any concern or criticism for the UK's politics because they are pretty much inconsequential, the reverse isn't true.
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 To:  fixrman     
41641.194 In reply to 41641.191 
Now I get it. https://www.google.ca/search?q=trump+freeloaders

Roland Skollani was sick of Pittsburgh. This city was the dead-end of his failed dreams and even dope didn’t help his choking fits no more. It had been a mistake to leave Hollywood and to follow Rita. Maybe it was a twist of fate, that there were only a few days left to leave his ex-wife’s house. Now he MUST act. Rita had a new lover and he didn’t mind, but why of all people did she choose this greedy, corrupt cop Lennon?


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  fixrman     
41641.195 In reply to 41641.192 
I haven't touched your point and you won't convince a balanced court otherwise. :C
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 From:  fixrman  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
41641.196 In reply to 41641.188 
It's that you refuse to reassess them in the face of overwhelming evidence. And even irrationally reject the evidence itself.

What evidence, pray tell, is that? I haven't seen any "evidence" that anyone here has proffered regarding anything, unless parroting stories from sources akin to the National Enquirer.

I can't be arsed reading the rest of your post as I'm sure it's the same old circular bullshit as always.

I can't believe I am arsed to discuss things with many of you. You have your heads so far up your ass I am surprised you haven't expired by now. Maybe you're just restin'.


  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  fixrman  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
41641.197 In reply to 41641.195 
What would you know about a balanced court? I'd suspect you haven't touched much of late, save your pecker.  (fail)

Brits are quite accomplished at snobbery.

  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  fixrman     
41641.198 In reply to 41641.196 
unless parroting stories from sources akin to the National Enquirer.

Yeah, again, exactly this. I assume you're just parodying yourself now?

You see what you want to see and believe what you want to believe and any time a credible source offers facts which don't fit into them you dismiss the source in your usual pantomime way.

Which is fine, in and of itself, but is not conducive to an actual adult discussion. It's how children behave.
I can't believe I am arsed to discuss things with many of you.

Well... you don't.

To be clear, I don't mind at all that you are generally to "the right" of me - I'm happy to discuss anything with anyone so long as they do so in good faith and with an open mind.

I have a lot of respect for many (relatively) right wing positions and often find that the right is more intellectually honest and cohesive than the left.

I do not believe that the right is evil and the left is saintly. There are just as many angels and devils, albeit of different character, on the left as there are on the right. I believe that those who approach politics with honesty, on both sides, do so with a desire to make the world better and improve lives.

I love discussing things with people with whom I have a fundamental disagreement when they have arrived at their position through intellectual rigour and honesty. People who, for example, believe that human dignity is fostered through individual sovereignty and that collectivism is an affront to that dignity. I disagree. Strongly. But I respect the position a great deal.

This doesn't, to my mind, describe you.

My impression of you is that you are one of those people who wants to sound tough and decisive without doing the hard work of actually thinking about anything.

When information runs contrary to your beliefs you, rather than thinking about it and discussing it in good faith, dismiss it out of hand.

When asked to explain how you arrived at a position you, instead, reiterate - without ever justifying - your position and resort to anecdote in lieu of evidence or thought.

And when it becomes clear -  even to you, I'm sure - that your position has no intellectual foundation whatsoever, rather than doing what I really firmly believe a rational being ought - have a bit of a think about it - you resort to impotent infantile baits and limp insults. Like:
You have your heads so far up your ass I am surprised you haven't expired by now. Maybe you're just restin'.

You're a grown, adult human being for fucks sake. Act like one or fuck off.

(And, just to be absolutely clear, we are not a hive-mind; I do not speak for anyone but myself. That 'fuck off' is from me alone, not 'us')

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 From:  fixrman  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
41641.199 In reply to 41641.198 
You see what you want to see and believe what you want to believe and any time a credible source offers facts which don't fit into them you dismiss the source in your usual pantomime way.

Oddly enough, or perhaps coincidentally enough, this is pretty much how I feel about you lot. Once again, I will ask: what credible source did I dismiss out of hand? What facts did I dismiss in "usual pantomime way"?

I do not believe that the right is evil and the left is saintly. There are just as many angels and devils, albeit of different character, on the left as there are on the right. I believe that those who approach politics with honesty, on both sides, do so with a desire to make the world better and improve lives.

I agree that extremes of either are not well-served in politics - although I am not sure that there are many, if any, who currently serve in U.S. politics who are interested in making the world better and want to improve lives. Our Congressional Approval Rating should bear that out.

This doesn't, to my mind, describe you.

Interesting. Although I'd have to say that rigorous beliefs are held quite widely here, and by you. So apparently we feel the same way about the other, except from opposite sides.

My impression of you is that you are one of those people who wants to sound tough and decisive without doing the hard work of actually thinking about anything.

When information runs contrary to your beliefs you, rather than thinking about it and discussing it in good faith, dismiss it out of hand.

When asked to explain how you arrived at a position you, instead, reiterate - without ever justifying - your position and resort to anecdote in lieu of evidence or thought.

And when it becomes clear -  even to you, I'm sure - that your position has no intellectual foundation whatsoever, rather than doing what I really firmly believe a rational being ought - have a bit of a think about it - you resort to impotent infantile baits and limp insults. Like:

Sure. Yeah, I just became Republican because my daddy was a Democrat. Or something like that. No, I actually took the time to read about and study what Democrats traditionally believe against what Republicans believe and stand for. So, I believe in personal responsibility, am not afraid of hard work; we were taught to get the work done first and play later. One always does his best. That we accept a hand up, but not to settle for hand-outs, assuming we are capable of self-sufficiency.

Speaking about limp insults, I think you are one-way on that. It is OK to criticise the American, dismiss any statements out of hand and fail to indicate where the American has run afoul of facts or sources. Brits are quite accomplished at seemingly pleasant speech meant to injure, which has been done many times in the past.

I suspect the "rigour and honesty" bit is subject to your interpretation at all. Do you think you have a lock on that? Seriously?

Just so you know, I have a lifetime of rational thought on my positions. I have "had a think about it" more often then you might imagine. When it comes down to it, I think you are just annoyed that I don't come around to your way of thinking. Well, I likely won't. We are two different minds, yours tends to be left of centre, mine tends to be right of centre. We will possibly find common ground somewhere in the middle, but on what I am not sure.

I think you are basing most of your assertions on my not providing to you links for facts on obamacare. I explained why I did not, but of course in your haughty way you find fault. I did not want to appear to be cherry-picking results, and the data is a tough slog, being as there are so many angles. Obamacare is failing:


The way obamacare was set up, it seemed there was no way for insurance companies could lose, because there were built-in bailouts - that taxpayers would have to pay for - in case the exchanges failed. Well, we already experienced that in the financial and automotive sectors. Insurance is a business, and government has no place in business because it creates nothing, produces nothing except taxes. Our government is incredibly inefficient at doing anything at all - haven't you read the news? We waste, tax and pork-barrel ourselves to death, and you would wonder why I am Conservative in mindset?


That 'fuck off' is from me alone, not 'us'

I knew that would be in there, somewhere. Thanks, your sentiment is a shared one.


  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  fixrman     
41641.200 In reply to 41641.199 
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 From:  johngti_mk-ii  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
41641.201 In reply to 41641.198 
I've got him ignored for those exact reasons. It's too much like reasoning with one of the arsey kids I have to deal with day in, day out.

Add THE VETOES to your myspace friends!!! Pretty please :D

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 To:  ALL
There's a great article on Trump's Scottish golf course donnybrook in the Globe and Mail. Online unfortunately paywalled, I'll have to manually post some choice quotes later. Yeah, his reputation precedes him.
Roland Skollani was sick of Pittsburgh. This city was the dead-end of his failed dreams and even dope didn’t help his choking fits no more. It had been a mistake to leave Hollywood and to follow Rita. Maybe it was a twist of fate, that there were only a few days left to leave his ex-wife’s house. Now he MUST act. Rita had a new lover and he didn’t mind, but why of all people did she choose this greedy, corrupt cop Lennon?
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