obamacare isn't scary?
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance" - that wasn't scary?
Obamacare didn't go nearly far enough, but it's a vast improvement over the rapidly deteriorating 'status quo'. So you and people like you already had health insurance and access to health care. Bully for you. Millions of Americans who didn't now do. That's the whole point of Obamacare. Got a better idea? Let's hear it.
You don't find her keeping classified Emails scary
No. Keeping emails 'off the record' has become standard m-o for politicians everywhere who dislike accountability. That would be all politicians, everywhere. Doesn't make it right, doesn't make Hillary the scapegoat, either.
Remember Snowden? All your classified shit's public knowledge anyway.
Stop doing crazy stupid stuff in secret and think nobody will ever find out, is all the advice I can provide.
You don't find the fact that she refused to protect "her good friend" in Benghazi scary
She didn't refuse to protect anybody. Hindsight is 20 20.
Overthrowing Ghadaffi was a castrophic mistake. The drone war is an ongoing, catastophic mistake. Failing to close Gitmo is an ongoing, catastrophic mistake. Hello ISIS!
Anyone with a lick of sense can see that, and all Americans have paid and will continue to pay a heavy, heavy price for it. Not to mention a lot of folks around the world, but clearly they don't count (and you can call that the mother of all mistakes).
Putting Trump in the White House would be a mistake on a whole other level of magnitude.
Roland Skollani was sick of Pittsburgh. This city was the dead-end of his failed dreams and even dope didn’t help his choking fits no more. It had been a mistake to leave Hollywood and to follow Rita. Maybe it was a twist of fate, that there were only a few days left to leave his ex-wife’s house. Now he MUST act. Rita had a new lover and he didn’t mind, but why of all people did she choose this greedy, corrupt cop Lennon? |