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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
41626.15 In reply to 41626.14 
Limbo in musical terms.
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  graphitone     
41626.16 In reply to 41626.13 
er, music mainly. Was that not apparent?

I do have a couple of LPs with speech on them. There's a Viv Stanshall album from the Rawlinson End John Peel sessions, also Lemmings by National Lampoon. Oh and the National Lampoon Missing Watergate Tapes. To be fair, the Lemmings album has music on it.

But yes music. Just about anything.

Not that fond of U2, or any of that boring fashionable 90s stuff like Coldplay or Snow Patrol. Given my history I may like some of it in 20 years if I'm still alive (I'll be 80ish).

Edit: Missing White House Tapes (I checked)
never trust a man in a blue trench coat, never drive a car when you're dead
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
41626.17 In reply to 41626.16 
But, in case my talk of vinyl was misleading I do also have a CD player and an MP3 player and mod cons such as a mobile phone.
never trust a man in a blue trench coat, never drive a car when you're dead
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 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
41626.18 In reply to 41626.14 
So... Rock 'n Roll.

Help Americans Never Get Unwanted Phone calls.
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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
41626.19 In reply to 41626.16 
:) we've not had a music thread for a bit, maybe we can kindle one here. I quite like the War on Drugs at the moment. Deer Tick are a good... Actually I have no idea how to describe their music, low fi alternative is the best I can manage.
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  graphitone     
41626.20 In reply to 41626.19 
Mr. Wingnut is one for the discussion of diverse popular beat combos but I haven't seen him posting for a while. I expect he's beavering away on the forum awards.
never trust a man in a blue trench coat, never drive a car when you're dead
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 To:  graphitone     
41626.21 In reply to 41626.19 
Miles Davis was voted 'greatest jazz musician ever' or something by somebody last week. Not sure I agree with that. Generally speaking 'greatest ______' is a completely meaningless statement on a good day, unless it's "David Cameron is the greatest banquet pig fucker.'

Help Americans Never Get Unwanted Phone calls.
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 From:  graphitone  
41626.22 In reply to 41626.21 
David Cameron is the greatest possibly world's only banquet pig fucker


I like Miles Davis' stuff, but I've never been into jazz all that much.

I do like the blues though. Lightin' Hopkins is ace.

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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  ALL
no vinyl scratching with a laser turntable, bit pricey though

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 From:  fixrman   
 To:  JonCooper     
41626.24 In reply to 41626.23 
Drop dead sexy, but way out of my league.
  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  fixrman      
41626.25 In reply to 41626.24 
Sexy? It looks like an Atari 7800 on steroids.
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  graphitone     
41626.26 In reply to 41626.25 
Like he says, way out of his league...

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951
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 From:  fixrman   
 To:  graphitone     
41626.27 In reply to 41626.25 
Who didn't like the 7800 when it was new?
a sexier way of playing Atari 2600 titles.
I rest my case.  :-P
  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  fixrman   
 To:  Manthorp     
41626.28 In reply to 41626.26 
I would say those are way out of anyone's league. Nine grand to play a ten-dollar record? Ridiculous.
  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  fixrman      
41626.29 In reply to 41626.27 
I'm not sure lacquered wood (NJ) could ever be sexy.

Apart from in the 70s.

A friend of mine had a 7800 while I was languishing away with a 2600. I was more interested in the huge flip switches rather than the wood effect. The 2600 had little sliding switches, those on the 7800 looked like the controls of a spaceship.
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 From:  fixrman   
 To:  graphitone     
41626.30 In reply to 41626.29 
Nothing is sexier than a "laser".
  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  fixrman      
41626.31 In reply to 41626.30 
A laser in lingerie?
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 From:  fixrman   
 To:  graphitone     
41626.32 In reply to 41626.31 
I stand corrected, thanks.  B)
  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
 To:  fixrman      
41626.33 In reply to 41626.32 
Steady on! Sit back down before you injure someone...
[...Insert Brain Here...]
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