Ok, don't know why you think I'm trolling.
I didn't say drivers don't exist in Linux. What I said was "I barely remember them" (or words to that effect). Facetiously, of course, because yes I do remember them.
But one doesn't have to deal with them in Linux. My hardware is detected and the appropriate modules are loaded. I do no have to search for them, download them, install them (manually, I mean - to be clear, they are in fact installed, yes.), worry about whether they're up to date. It's all entirely automatic, I never have to think about drivers, everything just works (as Ant says, so long as your stuff is supported. Which most is and mine all has been for several years).
This is the second time you've called be a troll in this thread (which I honestly don't think I am).
I don't think saying I barely remember drivers can reasonably interpreted as making the ridiculous claim that they don't exist in Linux. Which makes me think you wilfully misinterpreted me in order to have a go. To poke holes in a ridiculous claim that no one would ever make. Which is... odd.
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