Did you play the Ballad of Gay Tony? I enjoyed that a lot more than the GTAIV game proper. And there was that automatic shotgun that could deform cars in 1-2 hits - that was great fun.
I still fire that up from time to time to have blast around the city (now I've completed it), and play a game of cops and robbers where I'll try and escape the highest wanted level.
I think I got them in a GTA blow out sale they had on Steam - all the games up to GTAIV (including DLC) for a fiver. I've never given them much thought and had all but forgotten about them. I've seen videos of them, but wasn't too impressed. Not wanting to judge a book by its cover n'all that, I might fire one up tonight.
I did. It was good in the sense that it was well written and acted and that. But... that's not what I want from a GTA game. If I want a narrative experience other games do that way better. And its presence dilutes/distracts from what I liked about GTA.
Well, that's where I've been at hence hardly bothering with the last few. But still, here I am. Hey, multiplayer should still be all that fun stuff, right?
I jumped on it straight away and sold my Xbox copy as I only played it twice. Its brilliant and beautiful and I can't stop the fun. Managed to get a gang of mates playing last night, the races are a lot of fun and the Team deathmatch are just manic. There are a lot of weird network problems going on at the moment though which did spoil a few jobs.
This is what we as a group have always wanted, a place in GTA world to hang out and do stupid stuff. together.
Back when I had a PS3, I tried to register HeyRatFans (as I do for literally everything else), but PSN wouldn't let me use it. I checked and it definitely wasn't taken and it was fine with Hey-Rat-Fans though, so it wasn't a length thing, they just wouldn't let me use it.