War & PoliticsPredictions


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Law-and-order nutjob Pat Lynchmob runs for mayor.

"Idaho toddler accidentally shoots and kills woman inside Walmart"
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 From:  Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ)  
41336.2 In reply to 41336.1 
1. North Korea hire Michael Moore to create comedy movie depicting the assassination of the U.S. President.

2. XBone becomes affordable and overtakes the PS4 in sales.

3. Manned Mars missions pushed back to beyond my lifetime.

4. Gray's Sports Almanac comes out and is entirely useless to all of us.

You know what he said? Ah need 'bout tree-fiddy.
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 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
 To:  ALL
The 2007 Forum awards are.. awarded.

(hahahah, yeah, I know..)
[...Insert Brain Here...]
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)     
41336.4 In reply to 41336.3 
I think he's having a dig at you, Kenneth!

truffy.gifbastard by name
bastard by nature

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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  ALL
1. Another coalition government
2. Evidence found of life on Mars
3. Coca Cola discovered to be the harbinger of all ills
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 From:  fixrman  
 To:  graphitone     
41336.6 In reply to 41336.5 
  1. Another coalition government
2. Evidence found of life on Mars
3. Coca Cola discovered to be the harbinger of all ills

1. The U.S. needs one.
2. There is life on Mars but it is all dead due to lack of heat.
3. Pepsi-Cola is the harbinger of all ills.

  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  fixrman     
41336.7 In reply to 41336.6 
I meant that we'd find evidence that life had existed on Mars at some point. The only living things we're likely to find there are what we send ourselves.

You're more than welcome to extend my fizzy beverage hatred to Pepsi too.
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Message 41336.8 deleted 22 May 2015 10:12 by 53NORTH

 From:  graphitone  
 To:  Al JunioR (53NORTH)     
41336.9 In reply to 41336.8 
That would spoil her er... innocence?!
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 From:  fixrman  
 To:  graphitone     
41336.10 In reply to 41336.7 
  Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son?
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  graphitone     
41336.11 In reply to 41336.9 
I had to google 'subo' to understand wtf you and the loony were on about (fail)

truffy.gifbastard by name
bastard by nature

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Message 41336.12 deleted 22 May 2015 10:12 by 53NORTH

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