Can anyone tell me why PHP isn't listening to this line break? I'm about to fucking show it how I deal with shit software! Fucking simple shit that gets ignorant is not cool!
Here is the code on my server.
$current_reading = @exec('uptime');
preg_match("/averages?: ([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+)/", $current_reading, $averages);
$uptime = explode(' up ', $current_reading);
$uptime = explode(',', $uptime[1]);
$uptime = $uptime[0].', ' . $uptime[1];
$data = "Server Load Averages $averages[1], $averages[2], $averages[3]\n";
$data .= "Server Uptime $uptime";
echo $data;
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