Ranter's CornerOuch!!!!


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 From:  DeannaG (CYBATRON)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
41243.48 In reply to 41243.1 
I hope you get well very soon and suffer as little as possible. Don't be overdoing it and listen to the doctors.


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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  DeannaG (CYBATRON)     
41243.49 In reply to 41243.48 
Thanks!  I'm trying to take it easy.  Getting very bored now.  I need to work on something but I can't decide what.
If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it.
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
41243.50 In reply to 41243.49 
Quad copter flying skills?

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.

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 From:  DeannaG (CYBATRON)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
41243.51 In reply to 41243.49 
All things considered, reading a good book would keep you occupied and not risk stressing any of your injuries. :)

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 To:  koswix     
41243.52 In reply to 41243.50 
diving skills.

"Ninety percent of Americans use the Internet. The other ten percent use the banjo."
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  koswix     
41243.53 In reply to 41243.50 
That's on my list!

On a side note, I've stopped getting emails from Teh.  I haven't changed anything!

*Somehow they were getting marked as spam in GMail. I think I've fixed that.  Strange!
If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  DeannaG (CYBATRON)     
41243.54 In reply to 41243.51 
I subscribe to Audible.  I normally listen to 3-5 books at a time, not at the same time, just bounce between them.  I currently have about 10 to listen to.

I also listen to a lot of Podcasts.  But neither of these things really engages me.  I usually start listening to something and end up falling asleep.
If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
41243.55 In reply to 41243.52 
Why do I need to work on my driving skills?
If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it.
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 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
41243.56 In reply to 41243.55 
I have no idea. But your diving skills...

"Ninety percent of Americans use the Internet. The other ten percent use the banjo."
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
41243.57 In reply to 41243.56 
And apparently my reading skills...
If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it.
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 From:  DeannaG (CYBATRON)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
41243.58 In reply to 41243.54 
I'm one for actually reading a book myself. Sometimes I also listen to a collection of nature sounds on CD while I'm reading. My favorites are the jungle and forest stream. Both have bird song and one has wind in the trees and the other a babbling stream. It's a great way to relax. :)

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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  DeannaG (CYBATRON)     
41243.59 In reply to 41243.58 
If I get anymore relaxed I'm not sure what I'll do!  My schedule is all swapped now because of not working.  I feel like I could sleep most days away and not care.  I'm trying to force myself to work on some projects but it gets pretty frustrating when everything I need is in my shop in the garage or I have to rely on someone else to bring me things.
If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it.
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 From:  DeannaG (CYBATRON)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
41243.60 In reply to 41243.59 
I'd hate not being able to do things for myself. My health limits me to a certain extent as it is, but to not be able to get out or get something for myself would drive me bonkers.

Well, if you want to poke around and see if something helps you settle in, relax, and forget about your troubles for a little while, here is a link to my sound folder. They're mostly small stuff, but natural habitats, rain, and water have some good ones. Some of them are about an hour long. Those ones are really nice to listen to when I'm reading, or I just need to relax. They're nice for if I'm torqued off about something too.  :-P

Help yourself to any of them you like. :)


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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  DeannaG (CYBATRON)     
41243.61 In reply to 41243.60 
Thanks!  I'll check them out!
If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it.
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 From:  DeannaG (CYBATRON)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
41243.62 In reply to 41243.61 
You're welcome. :)

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 From:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
41243.63 In reply to 41243.31 
Fucking hell Ken! Get better soon. Always have a buddy around when using a ladder or do as I do. I bloody HATE ladders but like climbing tree's.

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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)     
41243.64 In reply to 41243.63 

I went yesterday for my heel.  I don't have to have surgery, thank God!  They replaced the splint with a cast.  I still can't put any weight on it for at least another month, so no driving and still using the old man walker!

I never had any issues with heights or ladders or even climbing trees in the past.  I just wasn't paying attention this time and had the ladder at a strange angle.
If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it.
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 From:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
41243.65 In reply to 41243.64 
I am having those horrible squirmy feelings just thinking about going up a ladder :|.

Get better soon mate.

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 To:  ALL
You can't get hurt drinking beer and watching tv. Words to live by.

"Ninety percent of Americans use the Internet. The other ten percent use the banjo."
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
41243.67 In reply to 41243.66 
Good point.  But who will do my "Honey Do's"?
If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it.
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