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 From:  Matt  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
41236.52 In reply to 41236.46 
Pete has added the TXT record to the domain, so we can track mail delivery reports to Gmail accounts. Will take a while to get some feedback, but will hopefully give some idea as to the problem.


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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  Matt     
41236.53 In reply to 41236.52 
Sounds good!  I've changed my address here to another account, do you want me to switch it back to help track issues?
"If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it."
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 From:  Matt  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
41236.54 In reply to 41236.53 
Shouldn't need to, I'd imagine there are plenty of people here using Gmail.


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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  ALL
I'm still waiting on the lenses to arrive that I ordered from Amazon two weeks ago!  Although, I don't have the entire headset printed yet either...  I've been so fucking lazy this year, it's a wonder I haven't starved to death or something.
"If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it."
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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  ALL
Anyone have an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive? I had a quick play with a Vive on Saturday at my uni reunion and it was awesome. Very immersive and easy to interact with things.

I think it was the Valve Labs they had running so I was shooting balls all cardboard boxes with a slingshot.

Only problem is now I want one :)

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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  Chris (CHRISSS)     
41236.57 In reply to 41236.56 
Have they sorted the motion sickness thing? I bought a 3dvisor Z800 (a loooooong time ago) and it struck me then that the motion sickness was possibly insurmountable.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951
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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  Manthorp     
41236.58 In reply to 41236.57 
I also had a go on the Vive on Saturday.
Tried several different games and different people experienced different levels of vertigo only on one game - Windlands. The rest of the time everyone was fine.


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 To:  ALL
I can get nausea playing video games on my pc, especially if they have lots of running down corridors.

driver killed while using autopilot was watching Harry Potter
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  ALL
Ta both.  It's an obstruction to take-up certainly, & possibly a deal breaker.  All of this stuff is only prefatory fluff to AR, anyway.  That will be a proper big thing.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951

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 From:  milko  
 To:  Manthorp     
41236.61 In reply to 41236.60 
apparently ginger ale is a good thing to have on hand for the nausea. Dunno if it still counts if you add booze.
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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  Manthorp     
41236.62 In reply to 41236.57 
I didn't experience any motion sickness or nausea at all when I was using it but it was only a short demo. Different people seem more susceptible to it and some games are better than others at preventing it.

My mum gets sick and headaches from watching 3D films so she'd probably suffer using one of these.

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 From:  koswix  
41236.63 In reply to 41236.59 
For me it's falling (in games) that gets me. I secretly believe that games like Assassins Creed and Crackdown were specifically designed to entice me with game play and then make me vomit.

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.

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 To:  koswix     
41236.64 In reply to 41236.63 
I can even get it from watching game videos on YouTube.
driver killed while using autopilot was watching Harry Potter
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 From:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)  
 To:  Chris (CHRISSS)     
41236.65 In reply to 41236.56 
My mate has Rift adn I spent a few hours on that a few weeks ago. Some of the games are no more than tech demo's (like the Vive) but I did enjoy playing game with it on, much better than the dev verison I had at the beggining of this year. If you get a chance to play on the rift make sure you have a go with BlazeRush. Top down game like micro machines, bloody awesome!

One of my team has the Vive so hoping to go around his soon and have a blast. 

I cancelled my rift pre-order due to lack of funds, sort of regret it now.

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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  ALL
Got a Samsung Gear VR on Wednesday. My mother in law had it free with her new phone and gave it to me :)

Much better than Cardboard. The extra sensors in the headset make a big difference and it's far less jumpy. My daughter loves it and keeps pinching my phone off me to use it.

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 To:  Chris (CHRISSS)     
41236.67 In reply to 41236.66 
What sort of things have you been watching on it?
“I think Trump is nuts, but I’d love to have him as a president to see what happens” -- Edward Tucker, Ohio
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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
41236.68 In reply to 41236.67 
Not much yet. A min cart/rollercoaster thing. Made me feel a little queezy but my 6 year old loves it.

Face your Fears was creepy. Sitting in bed with my headset on and also sitting in a bed in the VR world. A ghostly boy with bright red eyes moving around the room, disappearing and reappearing from the bathroom or air vent. Then suddenly jumps up from the bottom of the bed. Actually a bit scary, especially as I was in bed at the time :)

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