Man... I'm glad I was busy cleaning all my guns when this shit got heated!
Everyone knows my view on the subject, and I promise to keep the list of requested firearms from teh a secret!
About the only thing I have to add is this...
Just because you have a gun and shoot someone doesn't mean they instantly fall dead. Well they do if you shoot their brains out, but hey that's probably some kind of delicacy over there you blood pudding monsters!
I've said this multiple times, but dammit I'm saying it again! :) Most law abiding gun owners here pray they never have to use it on another person! But if someone found themselves in that position most criminals would get the point with a shot to the knee or leg or hand or ass or whatever. Just avoid the vitals. I'm starting to think you guys don't watch zombie movies or horror films! Don't you see the punishment people can take? Hell, I just rewatched Tropic Thunder last night and fucking Tugg Speedman had to have taken 200 rounds and he even played volleyball with a grenade and didn't die! But he did lose his hands. That was pretty sad I guess... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you don't like donut, then leave it alone. Nobody force you to eat it. |