Are you saying it is ok for a police officer to pull over your wife because she made a small driving error, and take your paycheck
A paycheck isn't cash. Mine were hardly enough to warrant suspicion, even when I was at the top of my earning level. Now, if my wife were to be pulled over after a minor driving infraction and allowed(!) a LEO to search the vehicle*, whereupon the officer discovered my trunk was full of cash, I'd have some 'splainin' to do. Especially to my wife. (nod)
*I have never advised anyone to ever allow a vehicle search for any reason. All of my vehicles were bought pre-owned; how do I know what the previous owner stashed under the carpets or somewhere in a hidden compartment?
Suppose you are on your way to the shooting range with 3 of your nicest rifles,
The one rifle I own would probably cause suspicion, especially if I had ammunition for it. It is a sniper rifle, albeit an old one. If they saw the targets in the back, they'd know I don't miss.
and you do a rolling stop.
Can't afford that. I drive for an occupation. Quote:
In the nearly 30 years of living in CA, they average 1500 new state laws per year,
I don't live in Cali, friend. I wouldn't live in California, way too liberal for my tastes. Pelosi is out there. OUT THERE. I'd suggest you move. Tomorrow, or sooner.
Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son? |