So I had a chat with cousin who lives in Ireland today on Skype and we discussed what may be developing on this independence vote so I decided to peruse the thread to see what the general feeling might be and I came upon this:
Ok, so, as Scotland, as I say, you rely on powerful overseas allies and English weakness. Those allies are usually France and the Scandinavian countries, those are the ones that make sense. And English weakness means poaching territories off them while they're engaged in stupid wars with France and/or Spain or, even better, if the War of the Roses happens (conditions have to be right for it to occur) just marching in and taking a nice big chunk of England while they're fighting with themselves.
So are the English stupid for fighting those wars, or is it just the war that is stupid, as in nonsensical? What about France and Spain? Is stupid (nonsensical) only objectionable when paired with women, or can it be used in the same vein either way? Just curious. I recall watching Are You Being Served? years ago and Captain Peacock said to Mrs. Peacock, "I did it for you, you stupid cow!" Mrs. Peacock was not offended, nor was anyone else.
Anyway, cousin thought that the vote would be close but that the independence vote would not pass. We don't get much on that I am afraid, so I was looking here to see what the feeling might be, He gave me some interesting history on Scotland which I would have had no way of knowing. We wouldn't get that kind of history here except in specialised courses of study. I found it remarkable that as young as sixteen will be eligible to vote.
It is an interesting process I plan to follow more over the next day. I am wondering what will happen if Yes Scotland does not prevail; are the natives truly restless? Will it result in any backlash? Hopefully there will be no actions such as the irrational behaviour that followed the shooting in Ferguson, MO., but of course theirs is a political process.
Is there enough support for an independent Scotland? The ramifications are certainly many.
Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son? |