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 From:  Isa (IZA_MUSED)   
40979.4 In reply to 40979.2 
Responsive developers is always a major plus-- or if you're like me, a certain demand, most especially if one is spending money and/or time working on stuff.  Thanks for your info. :)
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 From:  Isa (IZA_MUSED)   
 To:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)     
40979.5 In reply to 40979.3 
Hi Dan!  Hugz. 
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 From:  Isa (IZA_MUSED)   
 To:  Isa (IZA_MUSED)      
40979.6 In reply to 40979.5 
Until further info and motivation is furnished, I'll do some tutorial-like doohickeys with the google appers.

I hope all is well with everyone, and any more info would be greatly appreciated.  

...and thanks again. 
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