Idle Chit ChatWhat's Your "I'm Lucky to be Alive/I'm a Dumbass" Story?


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 From:  Al JunioR (53NORTH)  
 To:  ALL
Erm, nothing entertaining. Was in hospital every 4 years for the longest time. Watched every Olympics on a ward of some sort. & '82's seven week stay trying to follow John Lennon via 90 Panadol.
Rallying the Subaru family car at weekends at 7,000ft around San Bernardino in the mountains on my own, with no breakdown cover or mobile phone..(1989). The look of astonishment from Forestry Rangers as I came at their 4x4 sideways round a corner out of the blue.
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 From:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)  
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)     
40830.18 In reply to 40830.3 

Yes, I drank some beer once. I'd been playing a gig the night before, in Dumfries. Got home at 3am, left for the airport at 7am. No breakfast. Arrived in London, attempted to eata sandwich. Didn't really feel like it. Met the posse at the Founder's Arms. Spent a lovely afternoon drinking beer in the sunshine by the banks of the Thames. I remember the afternoon, but after that, all are flashes, and what I got told about later...

(More to follow once I'm off the train - everyone knows the story anyway)



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 From:  Isa (IZA_MUSED)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
40830.19 In reply to 40830.1 
I think these may be dumbass enough, I decided to start from the beginnings of my idiotic adventures.


Age 8: I was stronger than anyone I'd ever arm wrestled, etc, at my school.  I was so confident about my strength due to this fact that I went up to my father (a man who regularly lifted pianos as part of his work) and told him I could beat him at arm wrestling, and not to hold back like he always does but to really try to beat me.  He said, "Okay" and proceeded to tear many of the muscles in my arm at the word "Go!"  I was in pain for a week or so, but felt lucky the thing was still attached. :O


Age 10: I was with 3 friends and I *bet them I could walk further out on the thin ice of a pond than any of them.  Two made it about 3-4 feet, then my best friend Sandy and I walked further and further until she stopped.  I continued and after a few more steps broke through the ice at which point Sandy became frightened and made for land where the three of them laughed their asses off as I grabbed for ice that kept breaking under my frantic arms.  My legs were getting wound up in reeds.  Finally I realized that the leverage I needed to get above the ice was just going to break it, and I began to give up and wondered what would happen to me; I could picture myself frozen to death in the middle of this pond.  Luckily, through tears of laughter, Sandy came slowly out to a thick area of ice and somehow pulled me out without us both falling in.  

*I should have bet money and not just the "I betcha I can just because" kind of bet!
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  Isa (IZA_MUSED)     
40830.20 In reply to 40830.19 
Ugh, I think #2 would put me over the edge.  Drowning is a big fear of mine.
Give me liberty or, I dunno, something.
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 From:  dyl  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
40830.21 In reply to 40830.20 
A couple of years ago on this beach was my scariest definitely going to die now moment.

I was only a few metres from the beach, and we'd been having great fun being knocked over and flipped over by the big waves, then suddenly I was swimming as hard as I could at the beach and getting further away from it with each wave breaking over my head. Ruth was just coming in to the water and I was yelling at her to stay out because I didn't want her to drown too, but she couldn't hear me above the waves - the thing I was most scared of at that point was her coming in and getting washed out too, then suddenly somehow my feet were on a sandbank and I was able to push back towards the beach - I suppose the waves died down for a few seconds. I've never been so certain that I was going to die as at then.

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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  dyl     
40830.22 In reply to 40830.21 
I was expecting to zoom out on Scarborough or Blackpool or somewhere similar, not Ghana!
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 From:  dyl  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
40830.23 In reply to 40830.22 
I forget how little I've told Teh about the last 6 or 7 years of my life. Not that Ghana was a massive part of it, in terms of duration, anyway.

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 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
40830.24 In reply to 40830.22 
In Scarborough, you could always fall off a bluff!

"the corruption of power may be bad, but the corruption of powerlessness is worse.'"
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 From:  dyl  
40830.25 In reply to 40830.24 
Probably not the Scarborough he had in mind. What's a bluff?

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 To:  dyl     
40830.26 In reply to 40830.25

"the corruption of power may be bad, but the corruption of powerlessness is worse.'"
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 From:  koswix  
40830.27 In reply to 40830.26 
The Bluffs have been described as a "geological wonder" and a unique feature in North America.

Really no other sea/lake cliffs in North America?

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.

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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  koswix     
40830.28 In reply to 40830.27 
They're special 'cos they're double bluffs.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951

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 To:  koswix     
40830.29 In reply to 40830.27 
I dunno. There probably are, but these are unique for whatever reason (they're sand? They're really really long?)

"the corruption of power may be bad, but the corruption of powerlessness is worse.'"
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 From:  dyl  
40830.30 In reply to 40830.29 
Yeah, sand cliffs. That's quite odd.

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
40830.31 In reply to 40830.1 
I broke my knee (torn crutiate ligament and ruptured meniscus) on 16 December. That was both my first and last ski of the season! Hey ho

truffy.gifbastard by name
bastard by nature

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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  ALL
I need to post my last/greatest dumb thing.  I've started at least two times and canceled, it's going to be a novel.
Give me liberty or, I dunno, something.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
40830.33 In reply to 40830.31 
I've never understood the appeal of skiing. I have no doubt that I'd break bones or worse if I ever tried.  Plus I hate winter.  But I guess different strokes and all that!  I hope you are doing better?  And I'm glad you came back you bastard!
Give me liberty or, I dunno, something.
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 From:  milko  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
40830.34 In reply to 40830.31 
Ouch. I broke a collarbone and then a few months later dislocated the other shoulder, in 2013. Not as much mountain bike riding as I hoped, as a result, but yours sounds way worse!
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Message 40830.35 deleted 22 May 2015 12:15 by 53NORTH

 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
40830.36 In reply to 40830.1 
Expanses of water look much shorter from the boat than they do once you're in the water; I don't sink, but I can't really swim more than a few metres either, so I almost drowned once. Fortunately, I turned myself on my back, relaxed and kept floating & swimming very slowly until someone came to pull me to safety. Just dumb.

Oh, and cycling in London as a commuter, that must count for something. Yeah I still do that - I tell my beloved other half I'd be safer on a motorbike, she doesn't believe me yet.  :-Y
[...Insert Brain Here...]
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