Idle Chit ChatThe rise of Skynet


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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Matt     
40101.51 In reply to 40101.48 
The time limit between searches is /really/ frustrating from a user point of view. Like if I forget to set an option (like group by thread) or if no results are returned or I just want to refine it a bit. I generally just say fuck it and go to google when that happens. Which is a shame because the search works really well these days.

Could you perhaps allow say 3 searches before the time thing kicks in?
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)   
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
40101.52 In reply to 40101.51 
Indeed, I often resort to googling " whatever"

truffy.gifbastard by name
bastard by nature

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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)      
40101.53 In reply to 40101.52 
Yeah. Works well but shouldn't really be necessary.
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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  ALL



A group of scientists have created what they say is the closest model to a functioning brain ever seen. The simulated brain - which runs on a supercomputer, has a digital eye which it uses for visual input, a robotic arm that it uses to draw its responses - is so advanced it can even pass the basic elements of an IQ test.

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  JonCooper     
40101.55 In reply to 40101.54 
They're trying to model the human brain in java script. No wonder it's cack.




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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.
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 From:  milko  
 To:  ALL
I saw a post by an RAF pilot in a thread about drones, which was quite a serious lot of business about if they're a good or bad thing and yadda yadda but anyway amongst all that he claimed the US software controlling the whereabouts of these things in Afghanistan (etc) is called Skynet. I mean, surely not, who would tempt fate that way?
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)   
 To:  milko     
40101.57 In reply to 40101.56 
I can't imagine that the US military has that well developed a sense of humour TBH

truffy.gifbastard by name
bastard by nature

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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)      
40101.58 In reply to 40101.57 
What do you mean?  I'm sure they laugh their asses off as they are killing people from thousands of miles away!

stickman2.png How long must I put up with the unholy sound of your gun?

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)   
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
40101.59 In reply to 40101.58 
But they stop laughing when it gets uploaded to wikileaks! (nod)

truffy.gifbastard by name
bastard by nature

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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)      
40101.60 In reply to 40101.59 
Yeah probably.  I'd imagine there is a lot that doesn't get reported.  It's probably not their fault though tbh, they are trained and brainwashed to not care about anything but the mission.  It's amazing that anyone from any military is able to live a normal life after their tours are up.  I couldn't imagine killing anyone, or how often I'd think about it or have nightmares about it.

stickman2.png How long must I put up with the unholy sound of your gun?

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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
40101.61 In reply to 40101.60 
 I couldn't imagine killing anyone

Yet you happily tote a gun around for self-defence? What're you gonna do if you get into a situation? Pistol whip 'em 'til they run away?

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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  graphitone     
40101.62 In reply to 40101.61 
Oh no, if I had to use it I would.  I just hope I never have to.  Maybe I would cry like a girl and hand the gun to my wife.  That sounds like a good plan actually!

stickman2.png How long must I put up with the unholy sound of your gun?

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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
40101.63 In reply to 40101.62 
Good idea, let her take the rap for it.

I do karate and I'm ok at it, I could probably hurt someone quite a bit if I kicked them inna face, or to the side of the knee, and like you, if I had to use it, I would, but it seems so out of my nature to want to inflict harm like that to another person. I guess you can't tell how you'd react until you're ever in that situation, and I hope it never happens too.

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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  graphitone     
40101.64 In reply to 40101.63 
I think you could probably make some of those Bruce Lee noises and scare people without even having to use any moves.  Do you have a belt color?  eh, um colour?

stickman2.png How long must I put up with the unholy sound of your gun?

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 From:  johngti_mk-ii  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
40101.65 In reply to 40101.64 
Well done ken - proud of you, mate.

Add THE VETOES to your myspace friends!!! Pretty please :D

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 From:  patch  
 To:  graphitone     
40101.66 In reply to 40101.63 
I could kick someone inna face fairly hard, too, and I haven't had to do a single karate lesson.

Well, kicking them inna face would involve them lying down first, but I reckon I could definitely reach as high as almost everyone's knee.
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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  patch     
40101.67 In reply to 40101.66 
My instructor's 6'4 and I've kicked him in the face before. I'm a comparative short arse at 6'1.

TBH it's all worthless flashiness. In a real life fight, you'd kick low, take out a knee and leggit.

Ken - I'm a first dan, got my black belt nearly 2 years ago and currently cribbing up to take my second at some point next year.
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 From:  patch  
 To:  graphitone     
40101.68 In reply to 40101.67 
During the fighting bit of my Police training, the first thing we were taught to do was the schoolyard trick of going for a dead leg. But I think that was only because we were supposed to treat easily-damaged areas like joints, groin and skull as last resort targets.
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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  patch     
40101.69 In reply to 40101.68 
Fair enough, but wouldn't say the skull was easy to damage (at least with bare fists, a police baton might be a different story), it's a huge piece of bone that's not very easy on the knuckle - obviously there's soft spots, but some people have very large foreheads:

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 From:  patch  
 To:  graphitone     
40101.70 In reply to 40101.69 
Bare fists? We left that for the customers, if they wanted to break their knuckles. We used truncheons and batons. Much more sensible.

Cracker of a picture, by the way.
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