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 From:  arq (ARQUETURUS)  
 To:  Dave!!     
40020.313 In reply to 40020.312 
I certainly hope so as there's massive room for improvement.

However I've now got 12 years experience supporting average business users of software, the last 6 are in relation to Accounts and Payroll software and once they're outside the comfort zone of the applications they use on daily basis, some of which can be incredibly complex, they're fucked. Which can be scary at times as these are intelligent people in most cases, some of which run their own businesses successfully. I see Metro as a protected comfort zone that these users will love and adapt to quickly. Vista by comparison was a buggy, rubbish and complicated.

Fisher Price Windows! That's what I'm thinking of :D

Touchscreens work well on laptops but not so much on desktops and now that Win 8 is Touch biased, there may be a shift that makes the majority of laptops touch capable for a hike in the baseline which I'm not sure how expensive it will be but is sure to come down over time.
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 From:  arq (ARQUETURUS)  
 To:  ALL
I'm going to raise this thread from the nearly deceased to post up a conversation I had with a friend (a developer who's opinion I respect) about Windows 8.

11:14 - arqueturus: btw what's your feeling on Windows 8?
11:14 - P: I wouldn't listen to me
11:14 - P: I think everyone's talking bollocks
11:14 - arqueturus: haha
11:14 - P: my experience on Win8 is twofold
11:15 - arqueturus: I'm asking you because I expect a balanced opinion rather than the knee jerk reactions that are rampant
11:15 - arqueturus: so, pony up
11:15 - P: a) for an avergae non-power user it's amazing.  Everything is on screen when you sign in, you get your email/calendar/updates right on the metro desktop.  It's a slightl tie-in to Microsoft services, but there's nothing stopping google & co from changing that, and the average joe just doesn't care.  It's an OS I could give to my grandad and he'd get it
11:16 - P: if you already use/are familiar with Windows Phone 7+, the metro bit is just like that but on your PC
11:16 - arqueturus: I have windows 8 btw
11:16 - arqueturus: I also think everyone is talking bollocks
11:16 - P: for power users: the desktop is still there and works exactly like it used to, so there's nothing you're losing.  It's a lot faster and more resource efficient than Win7 and you can do anything you used to do in it
11:17 - P: the ONE change you get is that your start menu isn't a menu, it's a screen
11:17 - P: but if you're a power Win7 user then you use the keyboard, and you pres Start and type the name of a program
11:17 - P: and that still works in Win8
11:17 - P: the Win8 store is locked down and that is a Good Thing for the same reason that it's a Good Thing that Apple vet apps for the iPad: it stops my grandad installing shit
11:17 - P: but I can still put anything I like on my desktop
11:18 - P: and yes, it's possibly a little over-restrictive right now, but I'd rather they started like that and loosened up than let all the crap in straight away
11:18 - P: Personally from what I've seen (I used the CTPs and the RTM demo) I think it's great
11:18 - P: Intend to upgrade ASAP
11:18 - arqueturus: i have it
11:19 - P: how're you finding it?
11:19 - arqueturus: fine
11:19 - arqueturus: but then, I barely use the start menu
11:19 - arqueturus: in general
11:19 - P: even if you do, it's not that different IMO
11:19 - arqueturus: nah
11:19 - P: just people getting their knickers in a twist
11:19 - P: and personally I think MS have done a great job of making something that works on all form factors
11:20 - P: I've been fine on it w/Mouse & keys
11:20 - P: and on a touchscreen it's ace
11:20 - P: so i just don't get the complaints
11:20 - arqueturus: there are some things they should have altered, for instance hotspots are a bit feckless on none touch screen
11:20 - arqueturus: i upgraded my pc a month or so back
11:20 - P: you've got the instant-response of a mobile OS (the resume-from-standby time is amazing!) and the power of everything else
11:20 - P: by the end of 2013, they'll have the same OS on mobiles as you have on your PC
11:20 - P: that can't be a bad thing

I like that the points he makes against power-users against none (he does accuse me of being a power-user later on too) which mirror my own feelings.

By the way my job is in a UAT lab which is where I first came across Windows 8, part of my job is to look at things from the perspective of an average user which might be why my opinion differs from most on here, you're all power users :D

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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  arq (ARQUETURUS)     
40020.315 In reply to 40020.314 
you're all power users

While that's probably true, I think you're missing the point if you think that's the sole or (in my case) primary reason for criticism.

I don't mind Metro as a UI. I think it's poorly implemented and wish they'd had the balls to do it properly rather than kinda backporting the old UI in as well in a fucking VM or whatever it is. That's messy.  but it's perfectly usable. I like both Gnome Shell and Unity which come in for the exact same criticisms from 'power users' as Metro does.

My problems with Win8 are absolutely nothing to do with the UI and entirely to do with what it is an attempt to do to the platform and what it signals for the future. From the anti-competitive version of UEFI secure boot they forced on manufacturers to the idea of signed apps (and the signed filesystem they've been not-quite putting in their new OSes for years), MS clearly want to make the PC a more closed system and to my mind that is bad for the platform and bad for the world in general.

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 From:  Matt  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
40020.316 In reply to 40020.315 
Old UI in a VM!? Where'd you hear/read that?

(Sounds like bollocks to me)


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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Matt     
40020.317 In reply to 40020.316 
(Yeah that was something I read way before it came out. But still, the salient bit is that the old UI is there as an entirely discrete and separate option)
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 From:  arq (ARQUETURUS)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
40020.318 In reply to 40020.317 
(Yeah that was something I read way before it came out. But still, the salient bit is that the old UI is there as an entirely discrete and separate option)

I see where you're coming from there but it doesn't feel like that in practice. The start menu runs fullscreen, that's about the biggest difference.

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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  arq (ARQUETURUS)     
40020.319 In reply to 40020.318 
No. My point is that they made a new UI (<-- good!) and then included the old UI anyway (<-- bad). It doesn't matter how it's implemented. It's a crutch. Giving themselves that option meant that they didn't have to make sure Metro was absolutely fucking watertight.
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 From:  Dan (HERMAND)  
 To:  ALL
Metro is tragic!
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Dan (HERMAND)     
40020.321 In reply to 40020.320 
So is the start menu/taskbar/desktop metaphor. We're just used to it.
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 From:  Dan (HERMAND)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
40020.322 In reply to 40020.321 
I disagree - for the most part the desktop / taskbar thing lets me manage multiple applications how I feel best. Nothings ever perfect, but at least I get the flexibility. Every time I find myself stuck in a Metro app, though, I just hate it.
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 From:  johngti_mk-ii  
 To:  arq (ARQUETURUS)     
40020.323 In reply to 40020.314 
I'm not a power user. I quite like the look of win8. I need a new computer though so whatever I end up getting will probably have it on anyway. Unless I get a MacBook.

Add THE VETOES to your myspace friends!!! Pretty please :D

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 From:  Matt  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
40020.324 In reply to 40020.317 
Windows 8 desktop performance is easily equal to, sometimes better depending on the task, than Windows 7 on my 3 year old Core i7. If the old UI is emulated, it's the worlds best emulator ever.

I'm guessing whoever wrote what you read was getting confused between Windows 8 Pro and RT or was just plain making shit up.


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 From:  Dan (HERMAND)  
 To:  Matt     
40020.325 In reply to 40020.324 
Yep, you're not wrong. As I said on Facebook, if I simply pretend Metro doesn't exist (Which, day to day, it doesn't to me) then it's easily as good or better as 7.

Mind you, I've now got an SSD and 8GB of RAM, so my laptop is flying!
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Matt     
40020.326 In reply to 40020.324 
Yeah, as I said, it was way before release, so was probably just a misinterpretation or or a misunderstanding on my part. Of no importance though whether it is or isn't.
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  All     
40020.327 In reply to 40020.326 
Well, with Vista it was drivers. This time MS seem to have made a complete fuck up of Windows update. In particular, updates that won't configure and then take an (uninterruptable) wet-weekend to roll back. Worse with upgrades from Windows 7 apparently, but all flavours including clean installs are hit.
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 From:  patch  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
40020.328 In reply to 40020.327 
Which update is that? Nothing happening here.
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 From:  Matt  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
40020.329 In reply to 40020.327 
What Patch said. No problems with updates here.


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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  Matt     
40020.330 In reply to 40020.329 
I first noticed when my very first update failed to configure and then spent 40 minutes rolling back. A cursory check showed a few other people with similar issues,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.d2k&fp=da51af1112b196c&bpcl=40096503&biw=1366&bih=644
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 From:  Matt  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
40020.331 In reply to 40020.330 
If I'm reading the right article(s), it's drivers to blame again? Nothing new there in my experience, drivers have always been the plague of Windows updates and services packs. Especially when using drivers intended for a previous OS as I would assume a lot of people are right now (me included).


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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  Matt     
40020.332 In reply to 40020.331 
Yes drivers, but also some services - including native Windows 8 services, and the legendary 'conflict with virus scanners, and a few other things as well. Not sure what they've changed that's making update so unreliable.
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