PodcastIt's Here! Teh Podcast


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 From:  Matt  
 To:  ALL
I actually enjoyed that, was really well done. I listen to a couple of (gaming) podcasts and you guys certainly had the knack.

Genuinely well done guys.


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 From:  koswix  
 To:  koswix     
39685.25 In reply to 39685.20 
Crikey. I started installing AutoCAD before listening to the podcast, and it's only just finished now :|

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 From:  Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)  
 To:  ALL

I like it! I think I like it mostly because I know you, almost like a hangout where I'm just sat listening.


I'd edit any bits where someone repeats a question.


Wii has internal storage and takes SD cards. I still use mine but it's rare because Tony hogs the telly.

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 From:  patch  
 To:  Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)     
39685.27 In reply to 39685.26 
Settle something for us, would you? Did you come to Alton Towers with us, years ago? I'm sure you did, but early senility is making me doubt myself.
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 From:  patch  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
39685.28 In reply to 39685.19 
If I'm honest, I don't think the music section really worked, especially if there's no music played during it. It's a bit like trying to convert people to your music tastes while knowing that the people you're talking to probably aren't going to be convinced. A bit too subjective, basically.
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 From:  Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)  
 To:  Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)     
39685.29 In reply to 39685.26 

Lego games are all shit.


That is NOT the plot of Source Code at all. The dude doing the wandering and investigating was never on the train in the first place, the source code allows him to take over the body of someone else. It's an awesome film.


I would edit "How shall we do this bit?" bits.


There wasn't enough swearing.


Although you introduced yourselves at the start, I'd repeat who you are at the end, I just think it sounds better. (Feel free to totally disagree, natch).



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 From:  patch  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
39685.30 In reply to 39685.13 

I think the reason we started just listing games and films is because one starts feeling a bit rushed after a while of talking about something. The games section wasn't really like that, I didn't think, but then we started doing the music and films bits knowing that we'd already waffled for 45 minutes about games and still had a lot to get through. We even dropped the gadget section altogether because of it.


I suppose one option would be to just have a couple of sections that at least a couple of the participants know something about. So games and gadgets would be a good start (depending on the attendees, obviously). Or a Q&A type thing about one or two of the current pet projects, or even people's jobs if they're interesting like Oscar's job. Ask Me Anything seems to work on Reddit, after all.

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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
 To:  patch     
39685.31 In reply to 39685.28 

It's all going to be subjective !


Music section suffered because you and I know nothing about music :) it might be better next week if we have a researched section built up over this week :)

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 From:  patch  
 To:  Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)     
39685.32 In reply to 39685.29 

Lego games are not shit. They're suprisingly good. Honestly, Dan, normally you're not wrong about much, but this time you're just way off the mark.


That shows how much I remember about Source Code, doesn't it? But I do remember that the Source Code or whatever it was called only allowed him to take over the memories of a single person. So how did that person's memories include getting of the train altogether and having a look inside a van parked at a train station? How would the memories include any part of the interior of the van?


I don't think the "How shall we do this?" bits need editing (editting?). They'll disappear as more are done, and it saves us from sounding too professional.

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 From:  Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)  
 To:  patch     
39685.33 In reply to 39685.28 
I did! None of us brought a camera and there was a brilliant picture of us all on the water rapids that I was very close to buying.
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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
39685.34 In reply to 39685.1 

I'm impressed. Well done guys.


The 'link' music between the first and second sections - was that sampled from the character select in Street Fighter 2?

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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
 To:  graphitone     
39685.35 In reply to 39685.34 
It was a mash up of many console loading /start up screens

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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  ALL
I'll stick this on my phone and listen to it on the way to work tomorrow in the car :)

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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
39685.37 In reply to 39685.1 
Attachments have been disabled by the forum owner
Is that true? And, any special reason?
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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
39685.38 In reply to 39685.37 
If it has then I'd blame Xen . I think the picture mortally offends him :)

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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  ALL

I listened to half of this on the way to work and the rest on the way home. Definitely enjoyed it and will download the next one if cars are still around when the next one is out.


Patch (I think it was): Put Oxygen (or a similarly small ROM) on your Desire, modify hour hboot and get /loads/ more space. Ski Safari on Android doesn't seem to have a wolf though, or at least not yet.


Supercars music at the end :)

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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
 To:  Chris (CHRISSS)     
39685.40 In reply to 39685.39 

Ski safari just updated on ios so guessit will be coming.


And yes indeed Supercars :)

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 From:  af (CAER)  
 To:  Chris (CHRISSS)     
39685.41 In reply to 39685.39 
The wolf is from the new mountain called Howling Hills (the first one is called Penguin Peaks) and as Fozza said, will probably be available once they release the update for Android.
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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  af (CAER)     
39685.42 In reply to 39685.41 
Fianllly got Howling Hills on Android <imagines playing on a 5.3" Galaxy Note>

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