Ranter's Cornerfour letter word


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 From:  PNCOOL  
 To:  milko     
39300.19 In reply to 39300.17 
Yeah, and I still can't run properly, even after a year. I'm so much shitter at badminton than I used to be :-(

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 From:  Oscarvarium (OZGUR)  
 To:  ALL
Message 39300.4 deleted 6 Feb 15:10 by X3N0PH0N

quote: patch
Wow. That would be brilliant. If sticky.


Also, I can't think of a signature, any ideas?
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Oscarvarium (OZGUR)     
39300.21 In reply to 39300.20 
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