Teh ForumTeh Forum London Xmas Meat - 2011


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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  Matt     
39108.156 In reply to 39108.155 
I noticed that, but I figured I'd give him the benefit. Plus I love Peter so I know he'd do it.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  ALL
So, tomorrow at 14:00 the seven best Tehites will be arriving at Fitzroy Tavern.

Pncool, Helen, Martin, PB, Milko, Serg, Voltane.

Any last minute drop-ins want to increase the variety?

Did anyone want to do 13:00 at the pizza place beforehand, or are you thinking of ordering Fitzroy food instead? (what times do they serve?)
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 From:  milko  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
39108.158 In reply to 39108.157 
mm. I'm getting a bit less likely. People are making demands on my time! And I haven't got much fight in me. Hnng. We'll see.

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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
39108.159 In reply to 39108.157 

Can do pizza beforehand.


Milko! GET TO THE MEAT! </Arnie>

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Voltane     
39108.160 In reply to 39108.159 

Cool, I'll arrive 1pm at the pizza place then. :)


Well, I will if someone reminds me what's the best tube station to use... TFL is saying either Oxford Circus or Tottenham Court Road, but I was expecting either Warren Street or Goodge Street - I'm sure one of those is what I've used in the past. :S

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 From:  PNCOOL   
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
39108.161 In reply to 39108.160 

It's like a 5 minute walk from Tottenham Court Road, which is usually easier to get to than Goodge Street because of the lines that go through it.


I'm afraid I'm probably going to be a bit shit and turn up slightly later, as I'm lightly sozzled from my work's Xmas do right now and I doubt I'll get up that early. I also promised Helen a visit to Winter Wonderland first.


I AM coming though (nj), just probably not for 2pm. More like 3 or 4pm.

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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  ALL
Jesus Christmas. These Southern Meats are such drama.

Roses are bollocks, Violets are crud, I hate bloody flowers, And much prefer mud.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  PNCOOL      
39108.163 In reply to 39108.161 
Lazy bugger! :@

I went and looked up various combinations and, according to TFL+Google Maps, the simplest and fastest for me means getting off at Oxford Street.

Victoria->Warren = 43 minutes (31 tfl + 12 walk)
Victoria->Oxford->TCR = 41 minutes (35 tfl + 6 walk)
Victoria->Warren->Goodge = 40 minutes (38 tfl + 2 walk)
Clapham->Waterloo->Goodge = 39 minutes (37 tfl + 2 walk)
Victoria->Oxford = 39 minutes (29 tfl + 10 walk)
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Mouse     
39108.164 In reply to 39108.162 
You're just upset because you don't have such a great variety of transport choices up there.

I seem to remember far more drama from you and your fellow countryfolk with the supposed "northern invasion" a few years back. :P
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 From:  Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
39108.165 In reply to 39108.164 
I invaded!
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 From:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)  
 To:  PNCOOL      
39108.166 In reply to 39108.161 
I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.

Web Shite Mail Me

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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
39108.167 In reply to 39108.164 
Yes, I I blamed the lack of public transport options

Roses are bollocks, Violets are crud, I hate bloody flowers, And much prefer mud.
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 From:  patch  
 To:  Mouse     
39108.168 In reply to 39108.162 
More drama, less broken bones.
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 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
 To:  ALL
I should be attending, although it might be a fleeting attendance :( we'll see, depends on how I feel. Roar!
[...Insert Brain Here...]
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Voltane     
Don't suppose you've got any spare hard drives? :/
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  ALL
So... currently seems Milko would rather be with other people, and Serg is possibly going to start vomiting everywhere.

Which means that it'd be two non-drinkers sitting in a pub for 2-3 hours, before finding out if a big fun fare at Hyde park is considered more exciting. :/

So now I'm thinking that the train fair alone could buy me 12 litres of Coke, and maybe I should stay in and get some work done instead. :S
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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
39108.172 In reply to 39108.171 

I have no spare hard drives.


And it would be a bit of a shame to cancel another meat (northerners can't say anything as they didn't even try).


I'm in london anyway so just post here what your plan is and I'm bound to see it.

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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  PNCOOL      
39108.173 In reply to 39108.161 
If you're still coming (nj) then I'm sure pb and I can spend some quality time together (mj).

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Voltane     
39108.174 In reply to 39108.172 
I'm currently undecided, but hungry, so I'm going to eat something now. Maybe turn up for 2pm or 3pm instead... will post again once I've made up my mind.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Voltane     
39108.175 In reply to 39108.172 
Sorry, I'm feeling too agoraphobic now, so going to bail. :(
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