Games (inc Online)Skyrim


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 From:  777 (ALMOR)  
 To:  Radio     
39098.632 In reply to 39098.628 
quote: Radio
I got it for Christmas, and playing it far too much, although I'm only on level 15. Also pissed off that I after learning the second shout, I went and killed at least 3 dragons, then learnt a new shout by going up to the highlands place I was told about, and the game told me I need a dragon soul to learn a new shout - I've got THREE!!

I had that to, cant remember if it was after a certain point in the quests when I could unlock them or realise that I wasn't clicking the actual shout in the main screen to unlock.

Loving my dragon scale amour as I'm a right sneaky bastard with a bow.


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 From:  koswix  
 To:  MrTrent     
39098.633 In reply to 39098.630 
Makes sense, how sid you get the dragon scales and bones?

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 From:  Radio  
 To:  777 (ALMOR)     
39098.634 In reply to 39098.632 

I think it's that I was allowed to use the new shouts they taught me even though I'd only killed two dragons, but before I can learn more, I've got to play catchup. Got 4 souls now, but 5 words, so just keeping an eye out for the next dragon.


Someone mentioned reading the books on your phone rather than the PC - how do you do that? Is there some sort of 'Books of Skyrim' ebook?

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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  Radio     
39098.635 In reply to 39098.634 
It was me who started reading some of the books. There is a Kindle file that contains all the books but I couldn't get that to work with the Kindle software on my phone so I read them from

I just started playing for the first time since last year and the first thing I went to do was broken. Talking to Esbern and there was no sound and the subtitles flashed up then disappeared before I could read them.

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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  Chris (CHRISSS)     
39098.636 In reply to 39098.635 
It seems there is some way to install something or other to fix that part but I just went through it with Fraps running and taking a screenshot of every part of the text.

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 From:  777 (ALMOR)  
 To:  Radio     
39098.637 In reply to 39098.634 

They say they give you the soul when teaching you the words.
I've got loads of souls saved up, not really bothered with the shouts to much, I should really have a hunt round a few more dungeons for the words.
Now I've got a legendary Daedric bow made with a full outfit with smithing boosters and potions and enchanted it's balls out with shock and fire damage there's not much that needs finishing off at close range!
It has been a boring time maxing out smithery and enchanting though, I must have hundreds of crappy enchanted rings!

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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  777 (ALMOR)     
39098.638 In reply to 39098.637 
The only shout I really use is the slow time one.

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 From:  Oscarvarium (OZGUR)  
 To:  MrTrent     
39098.639 In reply to 39098.630 
Dragonbone is much easier to come by than Daedra hearts, of which I must have found all of one or two so far in the game, and probably turned them into potions. Plus Dragonbone suits my ugly rugged Nord warrior better.

Also, I can't think of a signature, any ideas?
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 From:  MrTrent  
 To:  koswix     
39098.640 In reply to 39098.633 
how sid you get the dragon scales and bones
By killing dragons.

MrTrent A young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless. In a world of criminals who operate above the law.

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 From:  MrTrent  
 To:  Oscarvarium (OZGUR)     
39098.641 In reply to 39098.639 
Dragonbone is much easier to come by than Daedra hearts
That is true. Finding enough deadra hearts for a full set of weapons and armour was a pretty major task and i confess to using the uesp wiki to look for the best places to find them.

MrTrent A young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless. In a world of criminals who operate above the law.

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  MrTrent     
39098.642 In reply to 39098.640 
Exactly. Didn't protect the dragon!

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  koswix     
39098.643 In reply to 39098.642 
Dragons* don't have exoskeletons - their bones aren't protection, and they ain't covered entirely by scales - so killing one doesn't mean that armour built from such materials should be weak.
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 From:  af (CAER)  
 To:  MrTrent     
39098.644 In reply to 39098.630 

With a high enough smithing skill (boosted by potions) you can get to the armour cap (530 or so I think) just by using steel plate armour – anything above that is just for looks.


There's also a way to create a 'potion loop' such that you can make ludicrously powerful potions fairly easily. I've avoided the temptation to make weapons with 5 million damage on them, and limited myself to reducing destruction spells cost 90% less.

quote: Reddit

First, you need a Fortify Alchemy gear set. Basically, just buy Grand Soul Gems with Grand souls and enchant a set of armors/jewelries. Your enchant skill doesn’t matter, but if you have some skill, things will be quicker. If you don’t know Fortify Alchemy, you need to find an item that gives Fortify Alchemy effect, then you need to disenchant that item to learn that effect. Alternatively, you can use the alchemy items you find, just 3 or more would suffice, but it may take a while to find, so enchanting is better.

Next, you need ingredients for Fortify Restoration potion, those are:

  • Abecean Longfin
  • Cyrodilic Spadetail
  • Salt Pile
  • Small Antlers
  • Small Pearl

(the first three are the easiest to get – the fish can be found is pretty much all rivers and lakes)

You should have at least 20 potions worth of ingredients. If you aren’t skilled at enchanting or alchemy, it will start of slow at first because of low percentages, but, if you keep doing it, soon it’ll start rapidly increasing.

Now, how to make thing work:

  1. Wear your Alchemy set
  2. Create 1 Fortify Restoration potion (just one), and drink it
  3. Go to your inventory, unequip your alchemy items and requip them
  4. Create another Fortify Restoration potion (again, just one), and drink it
  5. Unequip and reequip your alchemy items.

Repeat this as long as you want, every time you do this (correctly), your alchemy gear stats will increase, and the next fortify restoration potion effect will also increase. After getting a satisfactory increase (entirely up to you, either 850% or 50000%, your choice), create 10 or so fortify restoration potions, so that you can use that on Fortify Smithing/Alchemy gear (use the potion and equip/unequip/reequip your gear).

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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Chris (CHRISSS)     
39098.645 In reply to 39098.638 
The fire breath one can be useful in battle as it also knocks opponents back a bit. I've also used the "disarm" one occasionally, plus the speed one is very useful for reaching some hidden areas in dungeons. As for me, only just come back from holiday, so just slowly getting back into it again. I also agree with the Dragon armour point, although I'm sure there'll soon be a mod around to tweak Dragon armour to make it better than Daedric!

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 From:  Radio  
 To:  ALL
Grr, just killed fifth dragon, but then learned another word of power, and so I still can't unlock the shout.
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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  Radio     
39098.647 In reply to 39098.646 
Confused. You're trying to unlock new shouts or some quest won't give I assume you know you have to use the souls to unlock new shouts and each shout can be made from 3 words.

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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  Dave!!     
39098.648 In reply to 39098.645 
I've only recently got the speed shout and have used that a couple of times. I can definitely see that being handy at times. Still got some to find though.

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 From:  Radio  
 To:  Chris (CHRISSS)     
39098.649 In reply to 39098.647 
You have to do something to the souls to unlock the shouts?
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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  Radio     
39098.650 In reply to 39098.649 
Yeah, you have to use a dragon soul to unlock each level of a shout. If you go to the shouts in the magic menu there's a key to unlock them, R I think.

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 From:  MrTrent  
 To:  Dave!!     
39098.651 In reply to 39098.645 
although I'm sure there'll soon be a mod around to tweak Dragon armour to make it better than Daedric!
I don't actually want dragon armour to be better than deadric, as deadric looks way cooler anyway.

MrTrent A young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless. In a world of criminals who operate above the law.

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