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 From:  ComtronBob  
 To:  Chris (CHRISSS)      
39005.62 In reply to 39005.61 

"According to wiki again, the capacitors produce H instead of the electrolyte evaporating".

Sorry to be somewhat pedantic, but parts of the article are poorly worded.  As previously stated, all electrolytic capacitors produce some hydrogen gas.  What they should have said is the improperly made ones produce it to excess.

While I like Wikipedia, and frequently cite it, just bear in mind that it does frequently contain inaccuracies.  One of the early warning signs the author was sloppy is the inclusion of one or more "citation needed", "original research", or other similar notices.  For a general overview it's fine.  But if you're writing a paper for university or other important work, don't rely on Wikipedia.  But do look at the references and the "last modified" date, as there is often newer research.

In this case, reference #1 (2004_Electrolyte_Hillman-Helmold.pdf) tells the story.  See PDF page-1 (actual page 122), second column, the last four paragraphs, with the formula sandwiched between the second and third paragraph.  If you're not interested in the details, just take note in the last of those four paragraphs of the words "excessive hydrogen".

"I don't think I've ever had PSUs die so quickly, both Hiper ones, 2 within 5 years.  Even cheap/case bundled PSUs I've seen longer than that".

Thanks for the postmortem.  Note to self: Never, ever, use a PSU from Hiper!  Replace on sighting (or advise replacement) unless rightful owner owes me money! :D


"It is not possible to undertake vast projects with half-vast personnel"
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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)   
 To:  ComtronBob     
39005.63 In reply to 39005.62 

I didn't mean to question your knowledge, everything I learned about the things was from that article (although I should know a bit about how they work from the university course I started) so it's nice to be corrected. So will all capacitors eventually pop/vent?


I did buy the Hipster PSU (exppecting it to be good quality) just before I moved into my house so it could be that my house has vast quantities of dust which are not friendly for PSUs.


I want back so I can play Skyrim :(

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 From:  ComtronBob  
 To:  Chris (CHRISSS)      
39005.64 In reply to 39005.63 

"I didn't mean to question your knowledge..."

I didn't even take it in that context.  So no need for clarification.  But, as you can probably tell, I've been at this awhile.  I just didn't want you to assume the Wikipedia article should be taken at face value, no questions asked.  (And in all fairness, I've periodically had my own share of brainfarts ;-)

"So will all capacitors eventually pop/vent?"

That should be "all [electrolytic] capacitors...".  No, not necessarily.  But at some point they will cease to function as the electrolyte becomes inert.  Think of an electrolytic capacitor as a specialized battery.  Their respective chemistries are not dissimilar.

For a non-defective part the main instigator of excessive out-gassing is heat.  It doesn't much matter if it's externally or internally generated.  If the ESR is too high, besides limiting the available surge capability, you will experience excessive internal heating, which is often the cause of premature failure.

"I did buy the Hipster PSU (exppecting it to be good quality) just before I moved into my house so it could be that my house has vast quantities of dust which are not friendly for PSUs".

While the excess dust may have been a contributor (and a good reason to consider a case with a removable, washable air filter) the THG review you cite should have served as your caveat emptor notice. :-)


"It is not possible to undertake vast projects with half-vast personnel"
Red, white, and blue banner seen hanging across aircraft assembly hanger.

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