Ranter's CornerWikipedia spam


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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
38891.2 In reply to 38891.1 
Looks like an invitation.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
38891.3 In reply to 38891.2 
To some shitty thing on the other side of the country that I have no idea about and have at no stage expressed any interest in to anyone.

Nor have I anywhere indicated that I want sponsored messages from Wikipedia or any associates, and I went all over my preferences trying to find some setting relating to that, and how to stop any future ones occurring and there's nothing.

For a "responsible" site like Wikipedia, it's pretty fucking rude to spam me with shit like that - especially when they're always going on about "give us money; keep wikipedia ad-free". :@
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
38891.4 In reply to 38891.3 
I don't think it's quite spam. It's Wikipedia trying to also be a social site, which might be a good idea if done right. I suspect this is a thing by some user rather than a sponsored thing?

BUT... yeah, it pisses me off when people use social things for marketing their business. I mean, I add people on social sites if I consider them (to whatever extent) friends. If they then choose to spam me about their business then I consider that very fucking rude. They should, at least, make separate accounts. This seems to be more an example of that?

(Just in case: I don't mean you, Mouse. Your stuff always tends to be interesting/entertaining in its own right as well as spam. Which is absolutely the right way to do it)
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
38891.5 In reply to 38891.4 
Hmm what can I spam Drew about?
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
38891.6 In reply to 38891.5 
Horse cock.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
38891.7 In reply to 38891.6 
I'm far to polite to do that!
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
38891.8 In reply to 38891.7 
You're not polite, you're American :?
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
38891.9 In reply to 38891.8 
I need to work on that then. You fucking dirty wankering lemming thing!

See that just sounds forced!
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
38891.10 In reply to 38891.9 
What in the name of all motherfucking tarnation are you babbling about?
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 From:  Kriv  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
38891.11 In reply to 38891.3 
What, you mean you haven't come up with some convoluted system of blocking those messages by now? Getting sloppy in your old age.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
38891.12 In reply to 38891.10 
That was my lame (apparently) attempt to be rude. Its hard because I love you so much!
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
38891.13 In reply to 38891.12 
I know!I was replying in kind! In American!
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
38891.14 In reply to 38891.4 
Fuck social. :@

I poked around earlier and couldn't find the source of it.

I don't know whether to complain on the invite page itself - that's attacking the symptom not the cause, I guess.

If all UK-based registered Wikipedia users saw it, I can't be the only one annoyed.

Hrm, I wonder if it's related to this "CentralAuth" thing? Maybe I've been signed up to some WikiMedia service I don't want that causes this, rather than Wikipedia itself.

There's a whole bunch of pointlessly small icons when I log in. None of them links (!?) and none of them seem directly related to the message, but perhaps they are in some way, or there's some other stuff somewhere.


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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
38891.15 In reply to 38891.4 

Hey.. oh. Thanks I think. If you're genuinely interested in what you are working in then I think it should become part of your individual social postings. I could post much more stuff about work but I don't because much of it would be relevant to my customers but maybe not my personal social circle. But you know, sometimes them things cross over <draws appropriate Venn diagram>


But yeah, should be targetted to US users that Wikipedia thing, is it definitely Wikipedia doing it? I didn't mind when the banner popped up from Jimmy Wales asking for donations. In fact I donated I think.

Roses are bollocks, Violets are crud, I hate bloody flowers, And much prefer mud.
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Mouse     
38891.16 In reply to 38891.15 
Oh yeah, there's a difference between talking about something interesting you're doing at work (even if it's partly for promotional purposes) and ... flat out promotion - 'we now sell x', '50% sale now on' or whatever. Your stuff is never that.

Your stuff is interesting because you care about it and because you're really creative with it (which relates I think to there being some overlap for you, this isn't just commercial). And creativity is always pleasant to see.
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
38891.17 In reply to 38891.16 

And most of all I like "real-life" photos, which is what Mouse seems to do well with a few snaps of new guitars and people who come into the shop.


Whilst phone photos are often shit in terms of technical quality I seem to like a quick snap of something at work more than a well composed photo. That's one of the reasons I like twitter, I'm sad enough to like seeing photos that other people put up (mainly from painfully boring celebs :$ )

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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
38891.18 In reply to 38891.17 
Yeah, I prefer 'snaps' over proper photography too. I've never really got art photography, I find it kinda pointless and dull.

But yeah, I like the way non-SLR photos look. They have a sort of intimacy. And I like 'this is what I saw today' type pics.
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 From:  af (CAER)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
38891.19 In reply to 38891.18 
By "non-SLR" do you mean compact cameras?

If so, I'd guess the reason the pictures look different is because people tend to use compact cameras for different things than 'proper' cameras like SLRs; they see SLRs as for 'serious' (i.e. possibly boring) photos.

(edit: the reason I ask is that there are cameras like the Olympus EP3 or Panasonic GH2 that aren't SLRs, but aren't compacts either, and probably aren't used the same way compacts generally are.)

Also, I would guess that when you think of 'SLR photos' you're thinking of landscapes or portraits or something, as opposed to pictures of nights out, or snapshots from around the home. I also like pictures of people in their surroundings, rather than headshots.

non-SLR photo:
Zoe at the bottom of steps

SLR photo:
kitty on the landing

I guess my (not particularly good) point is that the camera used to take a photo has less to do with how it looks than the reason for taking the photo in the first place.

I realise I'm not exactly common in that I tend to take snaps around the home using whichever camera (compact or SLR) I happen to have nearby. Occasionally I'll choose the SLR specifically, if the picture I have in mind calls for a telephoto lens (the compact only has a wideangle), but not often.

Apart from that, I'm with you on the 'snaps' thing. Landscape photos have to be really good to interest me, whereas pictures of people or where those people live* I find interesting almost by default.

* by 'where they live' I mean where they live their lives, i.e. the city they live and work in, the places they go to, where they work, not just their house.

I will stop editing this post now :$
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  af (CAER)     
38891.20 In reply to 38891.19 
Nah, I was using 'non-SLRs' to encompass compacts and phone-cameras and so on. But what I really mean is fixed focus (I think that's the term? The ones where they're focussed at infinity (I think :(( ) and you can't alter the focal length (I think :(( )) cameras. I Think they lend the photos taken a particular quality - maybe conventional (due to what they tend to be used for) rather than innate but I suspect it's more innate than that. Something to do with how they show depth or something. I'm not sure.

Also (and this was also encompassed in that 'non-SLR' thing) I like out of focus, blurry, scratchy, noisy, washed out images (combinations thereof, not all those at once necessarily :D ). I like the sketchiness of that - that's more like visual memory - vague and imperfect and hazy. 'Good' photos are too stark - they're neither like looking at something nor like remembering something and (perhaps as a result of that or perhaps just because) they leave me cold. There's something alien and, I think, alienating about them.
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  af (CAER)     
38891.21 In reply to 38891.19 
Regarding subjects... I'm also not generally moved by 'narrative'. I don't care about 'here is a working man who has lived here his whole life and you can read his life story in his pose' kinda stuff. I find that... sort of arrogant and patronising. I mean photography's always had this problem of an implied veracity or fidelity with reality, and the tension between that and 'constructing' an image - creating meaning rather than simple depiction.

I'm rambling. I like snapshots. Photos that don't try to be more than simple depiction (and depiction of something worth depicting) or recording (<- I realise that's a dodgy term here. It's an intent of the photographernot a property of the photo). And I like it to look that way - like something shot from the hip without much thought, sketchy and inexact and suggestive.
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