War & PoliticsTottenham - what gives?


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  steve     
38778.133 In reply to 38778.129 
Everything I've seen suggests the stuff outside London areas has been squashed before it's really begun.

Guess it depends if you have lots of poor estranged people who hate the cops, or just a bunch of kids who want to say they were part of something.
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 From:  steve  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
38778.134 In reply to 38778.133 
Bournemouth itself is full of young people but everybody is very nice, the seaside makes everybody happy. There are some really rough estates around it though, some that the buses don't go to anymore and the royal mail won't deliver too - but even those aren't very bad. Although M&S in Boscombe (little-part-of-Bournemouth) has been smash-er-ed.

The job centre in Southampton was nearly set on fire today!

I need to go on a big long walk to collect my car now, as I went to an impromptu party at the weekend had to leave my car there, fail. I will witter excitedly/terrified later if shit goes down :Y

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 From:  steve  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
38778.135 In reply to 38778.133 
Ah, our police are now on Twitter dispelling rumours. That is good!

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  steve     
38778.136 In reply to 38778.135 
It must be nice to have semi-competent police. :S
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 From:  spinning_plates  
 To:  koswix     
38778.137 In reply to 38778.83 
Riots don't just happen for a laugh, people have to be completely fucking mental about something to start rioting like this,.and i reckon ken is a lot.closer to the reasons why than anyone else I've seen on the news talking about it.

What the fuck do I know, but I would tend to agree with your assessment there.

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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  ALL
Shit is on fire in Manchester. FUCKING CUNTS.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  ALL
38778.139 In reply to 38778.138 
What in tarnations is going on over there people? Get your fucking guns out and put a stop to this nonsense!
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
38778.140 In reply to 38778.139 
Still not the answer. If people had guns like you guys do then so would the rioters. It'd be a blood bath on both sides.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
38778.141 In reply to 38778.140 
I dunno, I'd rather have a little control instead of living in fear.

You get a group of 10-20 friends armed to the ass and you'd have to really want that fucking TV.
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
38778.142 In reply to 38778.140 
If people had guns like you guys do then so would the rioters.

Kinda ironic, given how it all started.

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
38778.143 In reply to 38778.142 
To be honest I have no idea how to react to all this apart from being embarrassed really.
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 From:  Kriv  
 To:  ALL

Oooh apparently kicking off up the road. I can smell burning.



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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
38778.145 In reply to 38778.139 
You don't need guns, you just need a bunch of angry Turks.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
38778.146 In reply to 38778.145 
Can't watch that at work. What do they do, beat them with legs?

And what difference does using a pipe, club, knife as opposed to a gun? The intent to hurt or kill someone doesn't go away just because you don't have a gun!
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
38778.147 In reply to 38778.146 
Very true, but thankfully the available "weapons" aren't as lethal.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
38778.148 In reply to 38778.147 
Fire and cars kill people! I know because I saw it in a video game once!
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 From:  patch  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
38778.149 In reply to 38778.146 
Because pipes and clubs and knives aren't as easy to use as a gun. You have to get up close to use them. You have to really mean it.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  patch     
38778.150 In reply to 38778.149 
haha that made me laugh.

I was once hit in the face with a pipe. I'm sure he meant it as well.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)     
38778.151 In reply to 38778.146 
Nope, just chase after them shouting.

One guy had a pipe/stick/whatever, but wasn't seen to use it.

I think this describes it:
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
38778.152 In reply to 38778.151 
Now just picture that scene but instead of a group of people make it a fine red dot following each of the rioters down the street.
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