Ranter's CornerGrrr dog, I'll beat you!


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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Mouse     
38617.40 In reply to 38617.36 
You may indeed, for I believe you are a nice leftie.

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
38617.41 In reply to 38617.38 
I suspect that you lied on the form. But a man with a gun is always right.

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
38617.42 In reply to 38617.39 
You missed the part where I receive lots of money for ridding the world of you, and can thus have amything I want built.
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
38617.43 In reply to 38617.42 
I suspect that the amount of money you would raise through this audacious act would be fairly pitiful. Other than everyone on this forum, I can think of only two other people who'd want me dead, and one of them's Dutch and as tight as a duck's arse.

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
38617.44 In reply to 38617.43 
All I need to do is share your posts with the US and they'll throw millions at me, to keep you from going back there.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
38617.45 In reply to 38617.41 
Lied about having a gun? I can take in action photos of me fighting crime downtown if you'd like!
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
38617.46 In reply to 38617.44 

They only have to throw a million at me to keep me from going back.


Oh fuck it, I'll happily not go back for free!

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
38617.47 In reply to 38617.45 
No, lied on the quiz. I believe you have a gun, all you crazy mofos have one.

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
38617.48 In reply to 38617.47 

Oh the quiz to get one?


The one where they ask you nothing much and then hand you a gun? No lying required on that one!

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
38617.49 In reply to 38617.46 
I ain't showing them that post.
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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
38617.50 In reply to 38617.48 
truffy thinks you lied on the "are you a leftie" quiz thinger
(at least, that's what I think he thinks)

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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
 To:  JonCooper     
38617.51 In reply to 38617.50 
OH /that/ quiz. No I didn't lie at all, that quiz is bunk!
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)      
38617.52 In reply to 38617.51 
Both you and Jon are correct.

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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