I just tried connecting again, to the Reddit server, and had the same problem - local block loads and a few other random ones, before it cuts out and shows the Java exception again.
So yeah, that confirms it's not Teh server doing it. Oh well.
does minecraft have some kind of memory issue?
I'm asking cos mine seems to crash after about an hour, with a DOS screen full of comments, but relaunching the .exe makes it all work again for another hour
Where's the dos screen coming from? Oh do you mean the ingame thing with the white background? Make a note of what it says next time (or take a screenie).
Shouldn't be a memory thing I think cos java's supposed to be sandboxed. Minecraft crashes for lots of reasons though so could be just you get a crash every hour or so from statistical chance or something.
Anyway yeah, note down the error. Though java errors can be a bit uselessly generic.