Do you have a charity PC recycling scheme near you? My previous old bits, that were in my mum's PC before she got my most recent old bits of hardware, went to a local charity scheme that builds PCs for people on low income / state benefit.
Might be worth checking out if you have no plans for them other than for them to gather dust?
In a post on his personal blog, Persson said he had been contacted by Bethesda Softworks lawyers upset over a Mojang trademark filing for its next game, Scrolls. According to Persson, the lawyers believed that filing infringed on their own trademark for The Elder Scrolls games.
Must be hard work being a lawyer and coming up with such frivolous claims as this.
Also, while linking up to the rail network is fun for its own sake, we've kinda moved on to nether transportation as it's far quicker.
Way to do it is this:
1. Make a nether gate in the real world and go through to the nether.
2. Destroy the nether gate in the nether (unless you came through to someone else's gate, in which case go to step 3)
3. Make a nether gate in the nether at exactly the equivalent place to your real-world one (i.e. divide the co-ords of the real world one by 8 (except for Y, it can be anywhere in the Y) (this step ensures that your gate will not be twinned with any others)
4. Link up to the nether rail system!
A powered rail every 12 is a bit too much. I used 1 ever 16 at first but realised even that's too much and will probably move up to 1 every 24 next time I make a track. Apparently one every 36 is all you need but I find that spurious.