Do you know if the Turion or the Opteron are better chips? I have an Opteron (not sure what speed) Dual Core that I can send you if you think it's better than the one you are using currently. If you are interested I will get the specs when I get home.
It's an "old" laptop with a broken screen I acquired for nothing. I say old but it's actually the most powerful system in my house but unfortunately since its a laptop I doubt your cpu will fit.
Wow, it's amazing how well it's doing running on a laptop. I can send you parts for a real server if you'd like. After building my new gaming machine I have spare parts that are just going to waste.
Very nice of you to offer, but I fear it'd actually cost you more to ship it all to Blighty than it would for Ant to pick up the bits here second hand.
Do you have a charity PC recycling scheme near you? My previous old bits, that were in my mum's PC before she got my most recent old bits of hardware, went to a local charity scheme that builds PCs for people on low income / state benefit.
Might be worth checking out if you have no plans for them other than for them to gather dust?
In a post on his personal blog, Persson said he had been contacted by Bethesda Softworks lawyers upset over a Mojang trademark filing for its next game, Scrolls. According to Persson, the lawyers believed that filing infringed on their own trademark for The Elder Scrolls games.
Must be hard work being a lawyer and coming up with such frivolous claims as this.