Do you know if the Turion or the Opteron are better chips? I have an Opteron (not sure what speed) Dual Core that I can send you if you think it's better than the one you are using currently. If you are interested I will get the specs when I get home.
It's an "old" laptop with a broken screen I acquired for nothing. I say old but it's actually the most powerful system in my house but unfortunately since its a laptop I doubt your cpu will fit.
Wow, it's amazing how well it's doing running on a laptop. I can send you parts for a real server if you'd like. After building my new gaming machine I have spare parts that are just going to waste.
Very nice of you to offer, but I fear it'd actually cost you more to ship it all to Blighty than it would for Ant to pick up the bits here second hand.
Do you have a charity PC recycling scheme near you? My previous old bits, that were in my mum's PC before she got my most recent old bits of hardware, went to a local charity scheme that builds PCs for people on low income / state benefit.
Might be worth checking out if you have no plans for them other than for them to gather dust?