Diamond axes and picks see to do the job in the same time, but not quick enough.
My original issue with wood was having to go treking around for it but then I realised I should just plant my own little forest in my complex that I renew each time I cut it down.
I can't stop using Facebook until at least my family switches, and there's already plenty of annoyingly dumb people on G+ - just read comments on any popular person's posts. :'(
Or F3 gives you some number between 0 and 3 which would tell you which direction you're facing if you can be bothered to remember what the numbers mean. Which I can't.
Or there's /compass, which just plain tells you a direction, but I'm not sure whether that would be an extra mod.
Exactly. I think someone said 0 is West, which is dumb. And F3 fills up the whole screen with annoying info, and can't be as easily displayed/toggled whilst in the middle of a conversation.
Compass is either core server or part of Bukkit Essentials but hasn't been enabled for non-admins. Since getpos gives more information without being too invasive I don't know if there's any benefit in enabling it, unless there are people that can't deal with the 360° of a circle? :P