I've always been an arrogant twat. Which is probably why Patch described the Citadel, when he was helping me build it, as 'a monument to Drew's ego'.
Of course I'm protective of my 'pixels in a computer game'. I've spent a lot of time building it and I've enjoyed making it look just how I want it to look. Right down to the views around it and sculpting the surroundings to give pleasing vistas as you approach it and so on. That's all part of what I've made and yes I'm protective of it - it would be unnatural not to be, I think. And when someone comes along building things I don't like close to it, when there's plenty of empty space to build in, that bothers me.
Other people have, without exception, respected what other people have made. No one else seems to have a problem with this.
If you want to demean me caring about a virtual thing I built then... fine. There's plenty of scope for that argument, but it's a different one.
I've always been an arrogant twat, that's my nature. And you've always been a self-centred, attention craving crybaby, that's your nature. That's one of the very good reasons why we should probably have some distance between our stuff.
Good stuff, that should keep things upto date. Though I might make some sort of mini-site for the bits like the rail map etc, not that it's really needed but I feel like I want to.
He's not done anything else since last time (except take the bed, which doesn't bother me).
Although he has gone to an island just off the coast and built an ugly orange thing, but it is technically outside all the trees I pissed on, so can't really complain.