It's /list on the old one, but I don't think you've enabled that.
Hasn't bugged me because it's easy enough to move the mouse onto the other screen (where the map is) and see the names list.
Though it would also be nice to have a message when you login saying "Welcome to Teh Mine, these players are online: <playerlist>"
I guess if there's people that need their second monitor for something other than displaying the map, or if they are out and about playing on their laptop, it would be easier being able to type /list than alt-tabbing to another window.
I currently have £45 to my name and no idea when I will get any form of income. I consider myself incredibly lucky to have a laptop at all, never mind a decent one.
I reckon teleporting to other players is all right (makes for a more social experience. I've only found people by accident on the new server so far :$ ), mebbe with the the permissions thing enabled? (so the person you're teleporting to as to accept your teleport request before you move). but yeah, warps did get crazy. Handy when doing that stupid tunnel and getting stuck int he underwater bits, but still silly.
I've only found people by accident on the new server so far
But that's nice. If you want people to find you, build something worth coming and having a look at I reckon. It's also motivation for building a working rail network. I've got a bit of a monorail from spawn to my house, which I extended to go over to jon/jake/shirty's places.
I like it being more kinda relaxed and organic and natural feeling.
Please please please install this mod, or something equivalent.
quote: Risugami Death Chest Mod
When you die, if you have a chest in your inventory, it will be placed where you die, or in the closest available spot. The chest will be filled with as many items as possible.
*due to being killed by a server bug connecting through my fucking phone
1. Use the /sethome command at your home
2. Go mining, carry a bed
3. When you have some valuable stuff sleep in the bed
4. Make/place a chest,
5. Put your mining gear (not the valuable stuff) in the chest
6. Use the /home command and put all your stuff in your chests at home
7. Kill yourself
8. Respawn back where you were mining, get your mining gear out of the chest, pick up the bed, carry on mining
The death might have been a result of connection lag, but it's a Minecraft bug that this actually caused me to die, and another Minecraft bug that all my inventory wasn't dropped when it occurred (or disappeared before I could return).
I wasn't doing any mining, or anything remotely dangerous. I was just walking about.
Also, it's not possible to sleep during the day, so even if your suggestion wasn't annoyingly long-winded (having to click upto 90 times to transfer items), it won't work anyway.