It's finally come to this... a game where you are offered the oppourtunity and have the will/inclination to make a /car park/? And have fun doing it?
In a game where cars don't exist (at least until someone figures out how to build a V6 engine and suspension out of blocks) this seems like a little otiose.
C'mon Peter, the bio-dome thing is a nice idea, but don't sacrifice flair n' fun for accuracy.
Having said that, and never having played the game, I can still see how building a vast construction could be engaging, making sure every detail's right etc etc - it's a throw back to playing with construction toys and building replicas of your favourite things, so maybe there is something inherently entertaining about creating a flat grey area with white lines all spaced out neatly, in measured rows with enough space to park a mine cart (in an OCD way)?
:-Y |