If I press something (possibly shift-F2 instead of just F2) I get the screen flickering for ages before it tells me its saved huge_2011-03-05_21.09.05.tga - which is 1.8GB in size.
What is that?
I don't have anything willing to even try opening a file that size. :S
I know that - I meant what's the image? (Or what's it supposed to be?)
A screenshot shouldn't be more than 1920x1200 - at 32 bits per pixel, that's in the region of 9MB, not 1800MB
I just did a quick script to read in the start of the file, and the header information (stuff that says how wide/high the image is and so on) seems to be blank, and after that it just repeats $=J$=J$= for a long time - spot checks in the rest of the file shows other random three-character sequences later.
Trying to read the whole file results in a memory error whatever I use (irfanview can normally load anything and it complains) - I'm pretty sure that tga viewer would do the same, unless you know it can handle huge files?
I guess you've discovered since you fixed it? I stood inside the woolly doorway and typed "/setwarp pool", but then actually warping there was sending me into a small underground cave somewhere below.
On a related subject, my reason for doing it in the doorway was to make sure it stayed safe - when I first went to /home to get out, I was suffocated - presumably wherever I had my home set to was built over or something - and I've noticed the same thing has happened to warps before, so I was wondering: are there any bukkit plugins that can check to make sure the warps are still valid, and either fix or block ones that end up underground?