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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37721.15 In reply to 37721.14 
Really. WTF is that white margin top and left, then?

What can't social media do?
  • Make coffee
  • Tie its shoes
  • Spell
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
37721.16 In reply to 37721.15 
I dunno, I wasn't paying attention. Is it not part of the image?

It's probably a white margin. Or white padding. Or a white border. Maybe even a white outline.

But in any case, Firebug can identify what it's on and it can be removed by adding/modifying appropriate styles - and if markup needs changing, since it's a non-default webtag, the top.html can be modified freely, and wont get overwritten on upgrade.

Though this might all be pointless if he's got it fixed now - I am wondering a bit why Fozza's not returned yet to say "all working" or "help I'm stuck" or something else. :S
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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37721.17 In reply to 37721.16 

Yeah well, duh. :{)


Wifout the actual code to look at, we're all just guessing.


Just guessing, if a float:left don't fix it, or a position:absolute; left:0; top:0; don't fix it, the poor bastard is fuxored, and good luck with that.


:-(( :-(( :-((

What can't social media do?
  • Make coffee
  • Tie its shoes
  • Spell
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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37721.18 In reply to 37721.16 
I am wondering a bit why Fozza's not returned yet to say "all working" or "help I'm stuck" or something else

Because Fozza has been away on a business meeting.

But am back now :)

Yes the index.php was the key it had two references to top_frame which needed to be changed.

I had changed one of them before but missed the second one.

The forum is www.evelofa.com/forum
I still need to play with it a bit but on the whole it's working.

Would like to get the color scheme more like the actual site and I would maybe like to customsise a few more of the icons. Overall however I'm quite chuffed with it.

Massive thanks for everybodies help getting it up and running

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 From:  milko  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
37721.19 In reply to 37721.4 
Hey buddy. why haven't you called it "League of Ascension"? (giggle)

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