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 From:  steve   
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37170.3 In reply to 37170.2 
I had figured out the T[A-Z0-9]{8} eventually but did not know about the isolated bits. Case should be fine!

ZMags link tool is doing RegEx bad and making errors even with their example one, so they are fixing it over night :C THANK YOU PETER :C

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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37170.4 In reply to 37170.2 
I love RE's but they can sure fuck things up fast. I always do a compleat code bu before running a global search & replace on RE's.

What can't social media do?
  • Make coffee
  • Tie its shoes
  • Spell
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
37170.5 In reply to 37170.4 
I'm not sure what a "code bu" is, but yes - any global search and replace is something to be careful about, and an imprecise regex is especially liable to unintentionally change things.

Still a great and underused/misused tool though.
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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37170.6 In reply to 37170.5 
"bu" stands for beatific underling, of course...

What can't social media do?
  • Make coffee
  • Tie its shoes
  • Spell
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