I've started a Wave with a draft outline for people to play with, and invited those I know are interested. If I haven't invited you, it's because you can fuck off let me know.
quote: Copy Teh Forcast 0.1
• General
• Music, Film and TV
• Games
• War & Politics
• Hardware
• Software
• Coding
• Idle Chitchat
Any topical stuff that doesn’t fit into other folders.
• EuroMillions winners: Lee Scadding and Samantha Peachey-Scadding, £45m, asked person in shop to check tickets.
Music, Film and TV
• Tarot Sport by Fuck Buttons.
• I don’t care about Flashforward.
• Jennifer’s Body was good.
• I quite liked Russell Howard’s Good News.
• CoD: MW2 midnight launch.
• Episodic genre thing? Tower Defence games.
War & Politics
• Gordon’s badly written letter and subsequent apology.
(Mandelson: Look, Gordon, just write letters to the families of soldiers who’ve died. Even you can’t fuck that up.
Sad Trombone)
• Berlin Wall, and the appalling clothes they were wearing behind it.
• Anyone bought anything cool recently?
• Anything new launched?
• Why are things more expensive in Britain?
• Same as hardware.
• But about software.
• Rendle’s adventures in Amazon web services?
Idle Chitchat
• Dinosaurs, dolphins, owls.
• 101 Other Uses for Rohypnol.