Teh ForumNorthern Meat - NOW 12th September 2009 (DATE CHANGE)


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 From:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)  
 To:  Mouse      
36350.70 In reply to 36350.69 
Next time I will make a weekend of it and bring the wife, she can go shopping or something. She did, however state that she will never come to another meat as I don't think she like me when I am THAT drunk around strangers. Oh and the southern lot scared her :D

Web Shite Mail Me

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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)     
36350.71 In reply to 36350.70 
Oh dear, well all us Northern Monkeys are a charming lot inbetween munching on coal, so make her reconsider.

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  koswix     
36350.72 In reply to 36350.68 
Have you SEEN Austrian bar maids? Efficiency and courtesy itself, but you wouldn't drop a crisp packet on the floor.

However, for those who enjoy a little discipline in the boudoir, they might be a bit of a treat.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951

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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)     
36350.73 In reply to 36350.70 
There is the occasional smattering of laydee at the Northern Meats. I think GreyHair should make it to this one.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Manthorp     
36350.74 In reply to 36350.72 
Any hole's a goal :C

The Seventh Posture of Burton's translation of The Perfumed Garden is an unusual position not described in other classical sex manuals. The receiving partner lies on their side. The penetrating partner faces the receiver, straddling the receiver's lower leg, and lifts the receiver's upper leg on either side of the body onto the crook of penetrating partner's elbow or onto the shoulder. While some references describe this position as being "for acrobats and not to be taken seriously," others have found it very comfortable, especially during pregnancy.
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  koswix     
36350.75 In reply to 36350.74 
Not when lined with several sets of razor-sharp teeth.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951

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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  ALL
36350.76 In reply to 36350.75 

Looked at coach fares and...i'm still a maybe.
Depending on anyone London way going North who would have space to give me a lift.

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Manthorp     
36350.77 In reply to 36350.75 

/Holes/, not /tumours/.



The Seventh Posture of Burton's translation of The Perfumed Garden is an unusual position not described in other classical sex manuals. The receiving partner lies on their side. The penetrating partner faces the receiver, straddling the receiver's lower leg, and lifts the receiver's upper leg on either side of the body onto the crook of penetrating partner's elbow or onto the shoulder. While some references describe this position as being "for acrobats and not to be taken seriously," others have found it very comfortable, especially during pregnancy.
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 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
 To:  ALL
We're in Romania that weekend, sorry...
[...Insert Brain Here...]
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 From:  Rich  
 To:  Mouse      
36350.79 In reply to 36350.1 
Date change is better for us. Also, it's my 25th birthday on the 14th Sept so I might have a few extra drinkies ;-D

Web: LostJohnnies.com
Email: rich [at] lostjohnnies [dot] com
MSN Messenger: dexta1984 [at] hotmail [dot] com

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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  Rich     
36350.80 In reply to 36350.79 
Eyyy, good lad.

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  paul  
 To:  Mouse      
36350.81 In reply to 36350.80 
Meant to say before, but here's where I stand:

I'm out.

Maybe next time chaps.


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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  paul     
36350.82 In reply to 36350.81 

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  paul  
 To:  Mouse      
36350.83 In reply to 36350.82 

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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  paul     
36350.84 In reply to 36350.83 
(it's like "rubbish" but makes better crumble)

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  Mouse      
36350.85 In reply to 36350.84 
I'm gonna have to say out too. :(
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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  Voltane     
36350.86 In reply to 36350.85 
Boooo, ahh well. I shall try my best to make it to the next southern meat.

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)  
 To:  Mouse      
36350.87 In reply to 36350.86 
If it's any consolation, I'm in! Not only that, but my good lady has agreed to accompany me, so she'll be able to drink EP's share of York's cider supply. Well, some of it, at least.

The Wisdom of Amazon user reviews:

Kill Your Friends - John Niven
I was in one of the bands mentioned in this great book and we were at our most active in 1997.
Whipping Boy - Whipping Boy
We toured with Whipping Boy in the 90's and I thought they were very boring.
Neo Wave - Silver Sun
The greatest album ever made. This album is without doubt the greatest album of the 1990's, containing as it does the most uninhibited, most concise, most ear-bashingly beautiful tunes this side of hell.

[Guess the reviewer's band. Go on. Guess.]
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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)     
36350.88 In reply to 36350.87 
Yay! Ricard00's not able to come so I'm going to have to find someone else from the North East to act as interprator.

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  koswix     
36350.89 In reply to 36350.1 

Are you coming?


Mtrying to update first post for new date and can't be arsed trawling through posts.

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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