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 From:  Matt  
 To:  ALL
As a side note, I wonder how many speed cameras are trigged by emergency service vehicles and how much time (and money) it costs forces to have staff filter them out?


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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  Matt     
36331.17 In reply to 36331.16 
they don't filter them out, they send out fines and rely on the emergency people to appeal

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  JonCooper     
36331.18 In reply to 36331.17 
Heh. I'd have thought they had a database of reg plates for all emergency vehicles, and simply filter them out automatically.

Infact, given that they must have this info for normal vehicles, I'd be very surprised if they didn't do that. :S
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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
36331.19 In reply to 36331.1 
I recently had a speeding fine come through the post and, on the day in question, there were genuinly two people driving at various times during the day

so I wrote back and said "no idea who was driving, can you send the photo"
they did so, and it was taken from behind, quite a long way behind
so I wrote back and said "still no clue, sorry"
they wanted to know who else might have been driving, so I told them that
they then wrote to my mate and said "Mr Cooper says you were driving .. etc"
he wrote back saying "nah, he said we don't know who was driving, cos we don't"
they then tried me again with "Mr Whatsit says he wasn't driving so was it you ... etc"
I replied "he didn't says that, he said we don't know, which we don't and the photo is no help
then they wrote again saying "you have a legal responsibility to tell us who was driving .. etc"
I replied "that maybe so, but since I have no clue I can't"

Their last reply said "ok, we give up, since you've never been caught before we'll let it go this time"

I was so tempted to write back with "what do you mean 'never been caught before '? I haven't been caught time time!"

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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
36331.20 In reply to 36331.18 
they may do now, I distinctly remember there being quite a to-do a while ago because some ambulance admin staff were spending hours a week appealing tickets

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  JonCooper     
36331.21 In reply to 36331.19 
Is your mate an oompa loompa and/or the tango man?
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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
36331.22 In reply to 36331.21 
no, he is not orange, I just don't know as he would want his name online

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  JonCooper     
36331.23 In reply to 36331.22 
Aw. I am now dissappointed. :[

Is there any chance he could be painted orange?

It would help settle any further ambiguities about who the driver is! :D
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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
36331.24 In reply to 36331.23 
I actually belkive he would be up for being painted almost any colour (he wouldn't allow pink)
wouldn't help with the picture though, since he wasn't painted when it was taken

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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  JonCooper     
36331.25 In reply to 36331.19 

Great stuff.


I've seen a few Ambulances get caught by speed cameras. Mainly at about 5am whilst doing a milk round a few years ago.

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 From:  mr_swayzee  
 To:  JonCooper     
36331.26 In reply to 36331.19 
were they not able to give you the time and exact location where the photo was taken? It would surely be a rare case that you didn't know given that information?

A problem shared is a problem halved, but a worry shared is a worry doubled
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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  mr_swayzee     
36331.27 In reply to 36331.26 
yes they were, but I was helping someone move house on the day in question, both me and my mate drove the car whenever suited us several/many times throughout the day and the letter came about two weeks later, we just couldn't decide who had been driving at 12:20pm

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 From:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
36331.28 In reply to 36331.18 

Remember that emergency services don't have any God given right to speed. It was never explained to me for Ambulances, but Police are meant to write it to the log of whatever it is they are responding. I.e.:


12:35 - 999 recieved, female, burglary in progress
12:35 - Unit B2 dispatched
12:39 - B2 through Speed Camera, Whatever Road, Birmingham


But even so, it can still be deemed speeding depending upon the circumstances. And it could also be used if that police car took out a pedestrian 300 metres down the road.


I'm not saying that I agree with Jons example that Ambulance workers should spend hours appealing it, but I don't think they should just be ignored.


For more interesting reading, ask a police officer what happens when they try and PNC a car dangerously driving and it ends up belonging to Whitehall...

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
36331.29 In reply to 36331.1 

I've heard of 'professional' (lorry/taxi) drivers passing points onto family members. I can understand why the family members accept them, if it's the main/sole breadwinner, but how would they feel if a subsequent speeding offence resulted in someone else's death when in reality that driver should be off the road?



bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  dave (10_ROGUE)  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
36331.30 In reply to 36331.29 
That argument does annoy me, if your job depends on your driving licence then shirley the answer is to drive more carefully.
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  dave (10_ROGUE)     
36331.31 In reply to 36331.30 
If your job depends on a clean drivers' license and your continued employment depends on meeting unrealistic delivery deadlines you're a bit fucked though.

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 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
36331.32 In reply to 36331.15 
I think SPECS cameras are possibly the hardest to see (no stripes etc) and also the most difficult to trick, since they work on average speed - however, they're definitely visible during the day. I've also heard of a possible way of tricking them: just drive through them on different lanes :D

edit: the most irritating cameras as far as I'm concerned are the ones on the M25. Annoying sh!tboxes which slow down traffic on an already busy motorway, doing nothing but generating free money. Grr.
[...Insert Brain Here...]
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 From:  Radio  
 To:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)     
36331.33 In reply to 36331.32 
Nope, the most annoying ones are those average speed ones that they setup along roadworks on motorways, when it seems that there's no-one bloody working there at all, certainly on the days/times that I drive past them.
My life is hard, I suffer lots
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 From:  milko  
 To:  Radio     
36331.34 In reply to 36331.33 
that's the SPECS ones yes. Still often narrower lanes I guess though. I have heard that they fixed the lane-change trick but that could be LIES to slow us down. Always makes me laugh when I see people speeding between them misunderstanding what average means.

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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Radio     
36331.35 In reply to 36331.33 

They're the ones Serge just mentioned.


And yeah, the average speed cameras are most definitely the most annoying. I've seen 40 and 50 mph average speed cameras on free flowing motorways that could easily be moving along at 70 or 80 mph.

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