CodingC#- Custom Events


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 From:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)   
 To:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)      
35958.2 In reply to 35958.1 

I've ended up doing it by creating a static class to house my CustomEvents. It feels like a good solution, as I only need to define the event handler once in the forms I want to use it. It also means I can put all my custom events together. It looks like this:


static class CustEventHandler


public delegate void NewCallDataEventHandler();


public static event NewCallDataEventHandler NewCallEvent;


public static void NewCall(int NewCallID)
NewCallID = 10;
if (NewCallEvent != null)


And CustEventHandler.NewCall(); is ran from the other classes constructor. Obviously I haven't passed any values to the event, but I will.

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 From:  Ally  
 To:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)      
35958.3 In reply to 35958.2 
It's a little difficult to go any further than the code you've posted without knowing exactly what you're trying to achieve, but you shouldn't need to use a static class to do this. The basic code you've got there could be inherited in each class- for no better reason (that I know of, Rendle can probably correct me) than it's good to learn about inheritance!

So taking your code, it'd be something like:
csharp code:
public class CustEventHandler
public delegate void NewCallDataEventHandler();
public event NewCallDataEventHandler NewCallEvent;
public void NewCall(int NewCallID)
NewCallID = 10;
if (NewCallEvent != null)

csharp code:
public class MyNewClass : CustEventHandler {
 public MyNewClass() {

Or something like that. It's 3am. Urgh.
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 To:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)      
35958.4 In reply to 35958.2 
You are right that if you want to raise an event on the creation of an object then you need a static event. The event should be contained in the class itself, though, to adhere to the OOP encapsulation principle.

Also, it's not a great idea to fire events from constructors for various reasons that live in deep, dark caves in the CLR. The way around this is to only allow instances to be created from a factory method.

Something like this (picking up a couple of other points along the way):

c# code:
// Derived from EventArgs class
class FooCreatedEventArgs : EventArgs
  // Field marked readonly can only be set in constructor/initializer
  private readonly Foo foo;
  public FooCreatedEventArgs(Foo foo)
  { = foo;
  public Foo Foo { get { return; } }
class Foo
  // Use the generic EventHandler delegate rather than declaring your own
  public static event EventHandler<FooCreatedEventArgs> Created;
  // Event-raising method marked private, can't be called from other classes
  private static void OnCreated(Foo foo)
    // Thread-safe pattern for raising events
    var handler = Created;
    if (handler != null)
      handler(null, new FooCreatedEventArgs(foo));
  // Private constructor, prevents creating instances with new operator
  // except from within this class
  private Foo()
    // All constructor code
    // ...
  // Factory method creates instances and fires event
  public static Foo Create()
    var foo = new Foo();
    return foo;
class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
    Foo.Created += HandleFooCreated;
    var foo1 = Foo.Create();
  static void HandleFooCreated(object sender, FooCreatedEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("A new Foo! Halloo!");

Any questions?

Happy now?

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 From:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)   
 To:  ALL
Excellent stuff, both - thank you very much!
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