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 From:  Mikee   
 To:  ALL

Can some people test this for me please?


I've tested in IE7/FF2/Chrome.


- it should look like MSN
- you should be able to drag it from side to side, and resize the width
- resizing the browser will cause the MSN app to resize. if you resize it smaller the image will get knocked out, like on the real msn.
- minimize button will set it to 0x, 0y, 300 px wide.
- maimize button will set it to full screen, as will double clicking
- close button should take you to google (dunno what else to do!)
- clicking on an input field with text in it should select it, unless its already selected (in which case it'll deselect)
- the 'email address' input field should have a down arrow on it.. the cursor should change to a 'arrow' cursor when its over the dropdown icon and clicking should make the menu appear. any clicks away from the menu will hide it. the menu items should have rollover states.
- all the elements title tags should match those on the real MSN


Issues i know about:
- moving the window to the right, then shrinking the browser window causes it to break
- the 'sign in' button is the wrong color
- the 'menu' doesnt fade in when it opens
- 'help' and 'online' menus dont work (yet)
- the tickboxes dont have the correct behaviors on them yet.
- signing in doesnt actually do anything yet.

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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  Mikee      
35556.12 In reply to 35556.11 
All good.

Double clicking and maximize button don't revert to the original state if you use them a second time: don't know if that bothers you.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951

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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Mikee      
35556.13 In reply to 35556.11 

Double clicking obviously maximises the thing, but I feel once it is maximised double clicking should return it to previous or default size. If possible of course!


Otherwise it looks good.

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 To:  Mikee      
35556.14 In reply to 35556.11 
The title bar graphic is broken in IE8 without Compatibility View turned on. It becomes OK when you move the mouse over it, though.


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